I'm pretty sure I have linked to it before, but here is the file I am using:
How do you reliably figure out squad or portable? Wind noise?
Yes, I downloaded that unit ID list from an earlier post. It’s great data which I’ve used fill in some of the blanks for assignment Unit ID blocks.
As far as I can figure there are basically three ways I can figure to reasonably determine a squad Id versus portable Id’s. It’s basically hard work like you’ve done building your list.
Here’s what I’ve seen works.
1) Listening for the difference in audio quality and as you mentioned. (Either wind or background noise) Squad radios typically have better audio quality then those of portables. Some portable it’s very obvious.
2) A bit more reliable is tracking the callsigns/badge# over a period of time against the Unit ID’s. (This is only really practical for smaller city agencies or departments.) Watch which callsign’s/badge#’s are using what Unit ID’s. As I’m sure you’ve already seen you’ll start to see some callsign’s/badge# devices are always using the same Unit ID’s. You’ll also see multiple different callsign/badge# using the same Unit ID. By default, a reasonable conclusion can be drawn which ID’s are squads and which are portables. That being said this solution fit even better with agencies who assign “take-home” squads to officers. Departments like MN State Patrol, DNR and many County Sheriff’s. In this case two primary Unit ID’s will appear for the same callsign/badge#. So a user really needs to understand how the applicable department operates.
Trying to track ID’s for Fire Departments is a completely different process than it is for Law Enforcement Agencies.
3) I really would like to have enough data to programmatically determine which Unit ID’s are most likely squads and which are most likely portables based on statistical usage patterns. (Time of day/transmission volumes/consecutive shift use/etc…) MSP Airport PD usage contradicts typical agency usage with most office on foot patrol versus in squads. So this is not the perfect answer either. The trick for this option is getting enough data to see the usage patterns over time.
Thanks again for sharing what you’ve done. Please let me know if there is anything I can help you with. I’m in Woodbury/Washington County is you need a site on this side of town.
David – WA0AAA