I am looking for a fairly simple way to find transmit locations by frequency in the FCC database.
When I search by frequency the main FCC database page only has location information for the licensee and, while for Public Safety this is not too bad it is a pain for other searches, especially railroads.
As an example, let's say I want to search 160.740 in Utah. While I might get results from local shortlines I am unlikely to get results from any of the large Class Ones since all those licenses come back to Texas or Nebraska.
In addition, does anyone still sell a data dump of the entire FCC database like the old Percon CD's of years past? I used to import that file into FileMaker Pro and create my own front ends that allowed me to do my own searches and edits. The County searches were extremely useful! (AFAIK there is no way to search by transmitter location county in the FCC DB)
When I search by frequency the main FCC database page only has location information for the licensee and, while for Public Safety this is not too bad it is a pain for other searches, especially railroads.
As an example, let's say I want to search 160.740 in Utah. While I might get results from local shortlines I am unlikely to get results from any of the large Class Ones since all those licenses come back to Texas or Nebraska.
In addition, does anyone still sell a data dump of the entire FCC database like the old Percon CD's of years past? I used to import that file into FileMaker Pro and create my own front ends that allowed me to do my own searches and edits. The County searches were extremely useful! (AFAIK there is no way to search by transmitter location county in the FCC DB)