Coordination is not required, however the coordinators will be happy to take your money if you ask them. Here is a link to a an itinerant that was issused earlier this year as a new license and if you look at the application you will see the coordinator is blank.
ULS License - Industrial/Business Pool, Conventional License - WQOS669 - Nebben, Denise
CFR-2010 title 47-vol5-part 90
§ 90.138 Applications for itinerant frequencies. An application for authority to conduct an itinerant operation in the Industrial/Business Pool must be restricted to use of itinerant frequencies or other frequencies not designated for permanent use and need not be accompanied by evidence of frequency coordination. Users should be aware that no interference protection is provided from other itinerant operations.
Full power itinerent Frequencies: - you would need to choose an area of operation : ie citywide, countywide, statewide, or nationwide.
Low Power itinerent frequencies (per 47.90.267)
(e) Group C Frequencies. The Industrial/Business Pool frequencies in
Group C are available nationwide for non-coordinated itinerant use as follows.
(1) Group C frequencies are available for voice and non-voice operations on a co-primary basis. Only mobile operations will be authorized on Group C
frequencies. Stations may operate at fixed locations for a temporary period
of time. No stations operating at a permanent fixed location will be authorized on Group C frequencies.
(2) Operation on these frequencies is limited to 6 watts effective radiated
power for fixed or mobile units and 2 watts ERP for portable units. Stations
operating at fixed locations for a temporary period of time will be limited to
an antenna height of 7 meters (20 feet) above ground.
(3) The Industrial/Business Pool Group C Low Power Frequencies are as
461/466.03125 461/466.0375 461/466.04375 461/466.05625 461/466.0625 461/466.06875 461/466.08125 461/466.0875 461/466.09375 461/466.10625 461/466.1125 461/466.11875 461/466.13125 461/466.1375 461/466.14375 461/466.15625 461/466.1625 461/466.16875 461/466.18125 461/466.1875 461/466.19375 461/466.20625 461/466.2125 461/466.21875 461/466.23125 461/466.2375 461/466.24375 461/466.25625 461/466.2625 461/466.26875 461/466.28125 461/466.2875 461/466.29375 461/466.30625 461/466.3125 461/466.31875 461/466.33125 461/466.3375 461/466.34375 461/466.35625 461/466.3625 461/466.36875 462.7625 (unpaired) 462.7875 (unpaired) 462.8125 (unpaired) 462.8375 (unpaired) 462/467.8625 462/467.8875 462/467.9125 464/469.48125 464/469.4875 464/469.5125 464/469.51875 464/469.53125 464/469.5375 464/469.5625 464/469.56875