But remember, much of the Federal Frequency activity is never/under reported to lists and is in a state of change. Agencies are moving [still] to Narrowband, and with that some Federal Agencies have moved from Analog to Digital [both P25 and TRBO]
Besides what KMA371 suggested [use the RR DB and never never forget the RR Wiki]
I would spend some time [use some automated logging software w/audio if you can] searching the Federal Bands.
Altho there is VHF Low activity, much of my Federal is concentrated in the
137-144, 148-150.8, 162-174 [don't skip the 162 below the NWS] 380-400, 400-420 bands in FM mode
Take - Notes - Call Signs, Names, Freq , Tones
Sometimes it might be WEEKS or even months of silence on some of the frequencies, then all of a sudden a flurry of activity and then nothing. If it's Surv type activity look for something in the news weeks later.
Best of luck and post back what you find/hear [with discretion for active Surv activities]
Uh it really depends what you want to listen to. Check out the DB or the wiki for listings.