I originally posted about this a couple of years ago. Now that some times has passed, are people here finding that more agencies are in compliance with the suggested band plans or are there still some that a slow to come into compliance?
I just bought a new scanner and I am planning how to program my federal VHF & UHF stuff. One possible way is as follows:
With regards to 138-150.7875 (minus amateur radio 2 meters), is there still no band plan whatsoever there? Is it mainly military still?
With regards to 162-174, I gather that there shouldn't be any repeaters these days from 162-166.500. Are you still hearing some holdouts in your areas?
I have never known anybody local to me to use 380-390, but perhaps I should spend some time there to make sure that nobody has popped up. Is there any military AM on 380-400, or has that all moved since military land mobile has been allowed there?
Finally, on UHF from 415.100 to 420, is it pretty much all inputs there or might I find holdouts there, too?