I can't seem to find a bus frequency I "want" on this site, could someone help me? E-mail me to respond **I want it to be private for safety reasons** My e-mail: briskeyben@gmail.com (spam e-mail) Let me know.
One would need some more information ie: school district, bus company, and if your scanner is capable of receiving. It is possible that the bus company is using a business radio from a company they are paying for their service (and are private for safety reasons). You might have to do your own homework.
I would also be willing to get a cheap kenwood cb and I could program it to the frequency.. Not sure if you are allowed to post links to shopping here, but if you are, post some off eBay you looked for if you want. Looking for something under 40.00
For FM only stuff about your only option in that low of a price range is one of those cheap Chinese HTs like the UV5r or UV82.Also, what is a good Scanner to get? I would also be willing to get a cheap kenwood cb and I could program it to the frequency.. Not sure if you are allowed to post links to shopping here, but if you are, post some off eBay you looked for if you want. Looking for something under 40.00.. Thanks.
Try this URL: https://www.radioreference.com/apps/db/?fccCallsign=WQJG309I was wondering if they have frequencies for "Robbinsdale Area Schools" District 281, first student..
I have been looking all over and can't find it.
Wondering if someone could help me look, I really want to listen..
You may call me crazy for wanting to listen to buses, but it's fun to me..
I got on my schools frequency, so I can probably do this. Just let me know the frequency if you find it and I'll see if it's it.
Oh, yeah.. They use older Kenwood Mobile Radios. Not sure if that's important, but there ya go.
I have a pretty large antenna, so I can probably get on it if I knew the code.
That's the school frequency, not the buses.