FIRESCOPE MACS 441-1 for 2011 has been released
and I've noticed a few changes.
For starters...
USFS Region 5 Tacs 4, 5 & 6 are missing, gone for good or rebanding?
NIFC Tac 4 is missing also, gone for good or rebanding?
The IntraCrew channels are gone but the freqs appear to be mixed with the federal agency common channels (e.g. 168.3500, 163.1000)
Also noticing no references to the USFS A/G freqs that were placed into service last year. Wasnt 170.0 supposed to be removed from service?
I also remember something about FIREMARS being no more and renamed CAFIRE 1 & 2? But it appears CAFIRE 1 & 2 is now FIREMARS & FIREMARS 2.
Anyone else know of any other changes? New UHF Logistics freqs perhaps?
and I've noticed a few changes.
For starters...
USFS Region 5 Tacs 4, 5 & 6 are missing, gone for good or rebanding?
NIFC Tac 4 is missing also, gone for good or rebanding?
The IntraCrew channels are gone but the freqs appear to be mixed with the federal agency common channels (e.g. 168.3500, 163.1000)
Also noticing no references to the USFS A/G freqs that were placed into service last year. Wasnt 170.0 supposed to be removed from service?
I also remember something about FIREMARS being no more and renamed CAFIRE 1 & 2? But it appears CAFIRE 1 & 2 is now FIREMARS & FIREMARS 2.
Anyone else know of any other changes? New UHF Logistics freqs perhaps?