Hello, I am located in Antigonish, NS and have been interested in scanning and radio waves in general for years. As a hobby, I wanted to pick up a scanner that I could play around with. I have found 2 scanners available used and I am wondering which would be better in my area. I am looking only for analog scanners at this point, but considering the RCMP doesn't have much chatter anyways with the usage of cell phones and data terminals, digital isn't a high priority for me. I am looking to pick up as much as possible on the analog spectrum using the 800MHz NS TMR system, I would also be interested in picking up random things like cab company radios, CB, Marine, Aviation, whatever I can really. The two scanners available are the Uniden Bearcat BCT8 and the Radio Shack Pro 164. A mobile or handheld scanner doesn't matter much to me either, although the handheld would be muc easier to bring with me on the go. Are there any features which makes one better than the other? And am I correct in assuming that by sacrificing digital, I am only losing access to the RCMP?
Your help is appreciated, I consider myself knowedgable about the scanner frequencies, but am very new to actually owning or using a scanner of my own.
Your help is appreciated, I consider myself knowedgable about the scanner frequencies, but am very new to actually owning or using a scanner of my own.