I am not for Fixing GMRS, I'm for Flushing it and FRS.. The tittle of the thread is a little misleading...
The thing you don't get is you can't just flush a commercial system. As stated previously in this thread, there are 67,899 people that paid for this fixed group of spectrum to work within this fixed set of rules. Are you going to convince the FCC to refund that $4.7 million in license fees to scrap the system?
GMRS is not like ham at all. Close one frequency in ham, they can move on as they please to another frequency, because they have such a wide range of frequencies to choose from. GMRS has a fixed set of frequencies.
There are 1701 listed repeaters (I bet including unlisted, that number more than doubles), with some of those being in the listed 187 linked repeater groups. Is the FCC going to buy back those station equipment at $5,000-20,000 each?
You need to let go of the scrapping GMRS. FRS and bubble packs can be a pain, but I don't even look at those channels. If I did need to use those channels, 5W will easily overpower the 0.5W bubble pack crap, so my communication won't be interrupted.
If you want to discuss going narrow-band to double the frequencies available, lets talk. I'm not in favor of it, but its something we can talk about. Heck, if you want to talk about going digital, I'd be willing to talk. As stated, there would need to be a type chosen by the FCC, because a free for all would cause more issues than going digital would fix. Other ideas that would improve GMRS, lets discuss them, but the idea of scrapping GMRS, or cutting it in half in favor of something else is not something that should be discussed, just let it go.