Looks mostly ok to me with the preamp right at the antenna with any filtering before the preamp. The preamp gain is a bit high and I think 10dB attenuation after it would be a good start. The limiter would be used in front of the preamp if you had a VHF/UHF antenna in very close proximity to the Yagi and were running high power. Its meant to protect the preamp at the expense of some insertion loss that will add to the system noise figure. I don't think you need the limiter.
I have a couple of new ZX60-P103LN amps I don't need and could have discounted.
I have a couple of new ZX60-P103LN amps I don't need and could have discounted.
Can I please get some feedback on the configuration I plan to try. Right now I use the yagi and coax. I plan to try:
- Yagi (home brew)
- FM (HPN-30118)
- Preamp (ZX60-P103LN), ~24 dB gain
- 100’ RG6 (Likely 2.5-3dB loss)
- Attenuator (HP with 0-20 dB atten)
- Limiter (HP 5086-7284; 10W max in; 10 dBm max thru)
- Receiver
Everything but the amp has been ordered. I plan to use this for marine band reception tests. After that I will try the components with my airband setup that uses a separate scanner and a discone.