From 20-176 to ST-2 (Scantenna) - Results

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Premium Subscriber
Nov 27, 2005
Mine are on the exact same cable, in fact it is a dual RG-6 coax so the length and connectors are the same also.


Feb 27, 2006
Southeast Louisiana
Since I mounted my Scantenna from Antenna Warehouse, it has improved my scanning 100%. My first outdoor antenna was the 20-176 (Yes I still have it). Then I bought the R.S. Discone. I was very disappointed with that one. Then the Scantenna. It BLOWS AWAY the R.S. discone antenna. I use my scantenna with my PRO-97 and Realistic DX-302 HF rig. Works GREAT!


Premium Subscriber
Nov 27, 2005
I'm even worse....I have TWO 20-176, still love them both but the ST-2/Scantenna wins (assuming it survives the weather).


Sep 25, 2004
South Arkansas
fuzzymoto said:
I'm even worse....I have TWO 20-176, still love them both but the ST-2/Scantenna wins (assuming it survives the weather).

My scantenna has survived some pretty nasty thunderstorms that often roll through Southern Arkansas. So far at least. It may get destroyed tomorrow, but if it does, I will definately buy another one!


Premium Subscriber
Nov 27, 2005
I hope mine survives as well....I suspect I'd still buy another too.


Feed Provider
Dec 19, 2002
North East N.Y.
I now have added the Monitenna to my antenna collection. It is the old Channel Master that the Scantenna is modeled after. The Monitenna works great, especially on VHF-lo and VHF-hi. I am picking up stuff on VHF-lo from over 70 miles away! I found one a few years ago from Stark Electronics. This used to be the antenna everyone raved about but is no longer made. The Scantenna has taken over for the Monnitenna. If and when I have to take my Monitenna out of service I will use my Scantenna. I just wish they would have made the elements longer on the Scantenna. The elements on the Monitenna are the perfect length 1/4 wave for the VHF-Hi and Lo Public Safety bands.

Does anyone know if there would be any loss if I mounted two balun/transformers and two coax runs from one antenna? Or would this cut the signal to each coax run in half?

Also, I was wondering about upgrading the cable to 9913 or LMR400. How would this work with the balun/transformer? I guess I would have to find a balun/transformer that goes from 300 ohms to 50 ohms instead of 75 ohms. And the balun/transformer would have to have a coax connector. Does anyone know where I could purchase one of these?
Has anyone upgraded the coax on their Scantenna?


Oct 19, 2005
So long as you've got an F male at the antenna end of the cable, you can change to any cable flavor/type that you want to. If you've got existing cable already terminated, cut and re-terminate or use an adapter (or two). ... I was lazy at first and used the RG-6 it ships with and extended with some LMR-400 already term.d with BNC-male and N-male; used adapters.


Feed Provider
Dec 19, 2002
North East N.Y.
RISC777 said:
So long as you've got an F male at the antenna end of the cable, you can change to any cable flavor/type that you want to. If you've got existing cable already terminated, cut and re-terminate or use an adapter (or two). ... I was lazy at first and used the RG-6 it ships with and extended with some LMR-400 already term.d with BNC-male and N-male; used adapters.

If I am right I believe the RG 6 cable from the Scantenna and Monitenna are built right into the balun transformer. I don't have it right in front of me. Can anyone confirm this.


Oct 19, 2005
MB said:
If I am right I believe the RG 6 cable from the Scantenna and Monitenna are built right into the balun transformer. I don't have it right in front of me. Can anyone confirm this.
MB :
Negative. The antenna ships with the cable and the balun. The balun must be attached to the antenna (decent plastic clip to hold it), feed it through an already attached strain relief, screw it down to the two terminals. The balun has a female F connector. The cable is coiled and not screwed onto the balun (F male at both ends of the cable).

This way any F male terminated cable or adapted / adapter cable can / may be used.


Oct 19, 2005
fuzzymoto said:
I have been happily using a Radio Shack 20-176 antenna for 4 months. It is mounted on a 10-foot mast on my roof. I recently purchased an ST-2 (Scantenna), reinforced it with a fiberglass rod and mounted it on the mast late Thursday night.

I wanted to post at least some preliminary results. I've been monitoring for a few hours a night for only 2 nights so these are early results.

After 4-months of use on my 20-176 I had a pretty good idea of what I was able to hear and how strong the signals were. With the ST-2 it is obvious that I'm hearing new frequencies and stronger signals.


Yes, I dragged up an old thread from the past. But I wanted to comment on something I'm seeing over the past week or more.

Having an ST-2 and a D130J both, after adding more height both performed better. That was to be expected.

What I did not expect is that the ST-2 will give me one additional signal strength bar over the D130J for three cities on the CO state P25 system. With these three bing 65 miles north of me (with terrain/topographical and all the other interference inducing things that can come along) I was quite surprised. A D130J on LMR-600 versus the ST-2 on its included RG6 CATV feedline, and the ST-2 performing better? Quite cool.

And with my BCD996T being the rig that the differences are seen on, I'm pretty sure at the same time the 996 is one great little receiver too.

Mileage varies, but another $0.01 thrown out.



Premium Subscriber
Jun 30, 2006
So Cal - Richardson, TX - Tewksbury, MA
Why not use low loss RG-11? It can approach the performance of LMR-400 and the standard F connectors will mate directly with the 75/300ohm transformer. The mismatch between the transformer and 50ohm LMR-400 or 9913 will probably be less than the adaptors you would need to get to F. The Scantenna is not a 300ohm antenna across the whole band so there are lots of mismatches between the antenna and transformer/coax anyway.
MB said:
I now have added the Monitenna to my antenna collection. It is the old Channel Master that the Scantenna is modeled after. The Monitenna works great, especially on VHF-lo and VHF-hi. I am picking up stuff on VHF-lo from over 70 miles away! I found one a few years ago from Stark Electronics. This used to be the antenna everyone raved about but is no longer made. The Scantenna has taken over for the Monnitenna. If and when I have to take my Monitenna out of service I will use my Scantenna. I just wish they would have made the elements longer on the Scantenna. The elements on the Monitenna are the perfect length 1/4 wave for the VHF-Hi and Lo Public Safety bands.

Does anyone know if there would be any loss if I mounted two balun/transformers and two coax runs from one antenna? Or would this cut the signal to each coax run in half?

Also, I was wondering about upgrading the cable to 9913 or LMR400. How would this work with the balun/transformer? I guess I would have to find a balun/transformer that goes from 300 ohms to 50 ohms instead of 75 ohms. And the balun/transformer would have to have a coax connector. Does anyone know where I could purchase one of these?
Has anyone upgraded the coax on their Scantenna?


Oct 19, 2005
to kyguy on 800 MHz

kyguy said:
how does the scantenna do on 800mhz?


That's what prompted me to drag up the older thread. My D130J went onto a taller mast (additional 15 to 20 feet, I didn't measure it exactly other than to ensure my feedlines were long enough). The ST-2 is maybe one foot higher than the D130J.

The three locations are 65 to 70 miles north of me on my state's P25 system. So with site and TG affiliations I cannot use a local site/tower to monitor those sites north of me.

When I got to playing around to see what I could or could not receive with the additional height I was happy to see two signal bars off of the D130J. Then, when I'm one or two more signal bars on top of what the D130J provides from the ST-2, I'm real happy.

So, for 800 MHz performance? The ST-2 does just great. (Sidebar - for me it does better on Moto and P25 than it does with EDACS, and I do not know the why or answer to that one.)

The higher the better, the shorter the feedline length the better, the lowest loss feedline you can afford the better. And, as always, your mileage may vary.



Oct 19, 2005
Originally Posted by MB
I now have added the Monitenna to my antenna collection. It is the old Channel Master that the Scantenna is modeled after. The Monitenna works great, especially on VHF-lo and VHF-hi. I am picking up stuff on VHF-lo from over 70 miles away! I found one a few years ago from Stark Electronics. This used to be the antenna everyone raved about but is no longer made. The Scantenna has taken over for the Monnitenna. If and when I have to take my Monitenna out of service I will use my Scantenna. I just wish they would have made the elements longer on the Scantenna. The elements on the Monitenna are the perfect length 1/4 wave for the VHF-Hi and Lo Public Safety bands.

Does anyone know if there would be any loss if I mounted two balun/transformers and two coax runs from one antenna? Or would this cut the signal to each coax run in half?

Also, I was wondering about upgrading the cable to 9913 or LMR400. How would this work with the balun/transformer? I guess I would have to find a balun/transformer that goes from 300 ohms to 50 ohms instead of 75 ohms. And the balun/transformer would have to have a coax connector. Does anyone know where I could purchase one of these?
Has anyone upgraded the coax on their Scantenna?
prcguy said:
Why not use low loss RG-11? It can approach the performance of LMR-400 and the standard F connectors will mate directly with the 75/300ohm transformer. The mismatch between the transformer and 50ohm LMR-400 or 9913 will probably be less than the adaptors you would need to get to F. The Scantenna is not a 300ohm antenna across the whole band so there are lots of mismatches between the antenna and transformer/coax anyway.
The balun (transformer as you called it) does the conversion to 50 ohm. And adapters causing loss, you'd have to have a few feet of adapters to induce any attenuation because of them. Never be hesitant to use an adapter or three or five. More to be watchful and cognizant of is any potential damage to the balun with any passing thunderstorms in the area. not a bad idea to have a couple extra on the shelf in case they're ever needed.

At one point I took the RG the Scantenna ships with and connected it to some LMR-400 via an adapter (F female to BNC female since my -400 was already terminated as BNC male) and it did not decrease nor increase signal strength, even with the additional length. That was with primarily 800 MHz, but also some 150 VHF and 450 UHF. Given, 30' of -400 tagged onto 50' of the RG the Scantenna shipped with isn't a huge amount of additional length, but no noticeable (per the radios' signal strength bars) degradation in strength. But, everyone's mileage will vary, even your neighbor's right next door. :)
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