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G5 multiselect question, Monroe County Florida


Jul 9, 2021
Programming question for G5.

Can anyone tell me how to turn on/off multiselect for P25 system?

I am an very experienced with programming trunked systems in scanners, but relatively new with the G5 PPS. I am in Ket West and I am receiving Monroe County Fire Rescue dispatches on the Monroe County Sheriff TG. I checked the TG settings and they are correct. I am assuming its a multiselect patch but it is odd. I know some agencies will patch fire calls to law enforcement (Martha's Vineyard for example). I would like turn off the multiselect if possible. I can the multiselect enable option under the knob settings, but the option seems unavailable (it is lightened and won't let me check the enable box. Am i makeing a programming error or it a firmware/PPS issue?

PPS VOO-03-12-06

Any G5 and or Monroe County advice would be greatly appreciated.

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Premium Subscriber
Nov 16, 2004
While I am not familiar with the specific system you are referencing, the multiselect is not something you could turn on or off via the receiver. The multiselect is initiated (usually) by a dispatcher via the dispatch console.


Jul 9, 2021
Thank you for the response. Yes I do understand that. I am trying to program the radio so that I do not receive multiselect traffic (i want to receive traffuc only on the designated talkgroup and not patched talkgroups). In a uniden scanner, it would be status bit on/off.


Premium Subscriber
Nov 16, 2004
You would need to remove the "patched" talkgroup(s) from the receiver entirely, if the talkgroup(s) you want to monitor is added to a "patch" you can't turn that off via the receiver itself.


Premium Subscriber
Nov 16, 2004
For a little more explanation, let's say you have TG:1 and TG:2 and the dispatcher "patched" them together you would need to remove both TGs from the radio as both TGs are included in the "patch".

The system doesn't create an entirely new talkgroup for the "patch" that you would be able to control. The system does create a supergroup consisting of TG:1 and TG:2 but as a passive device the receiver has no control over that and will hear traffic from all TGs included in the supergroup on any TG that's included in the supergroup.


Premium Subscriber
Nov 16, 2004
I am curious how you would have done this on a Uniden scanner? And which Uniden scanner?
Some scanners have (had) the ability to ignore the status bit and thus would not recognize the "patch". If a talkgroup was "patched" the scanner would ignore it and you wouldn't be able to hear the traffic. I'm not sure if this works on P25 systems or not but it did on the older Motorola systems.

Also, if it's a Harris system and you don't have the system designated "patch" groups programmed into the scanner you would not hear the "patched" traffic.


Jul 9, 2021
yes it was a nice feature with analog trunked Motorola systems. I use it with Mass State PD to monitor only patched traffic sometimes because it is usually priority traffic such as BOLOs or chases. You can filter out routine traffic. I believe Scannerboy is correct that this is not an option with P25 systems. I think I wrongly assumed that the multiselect enable feature was similar to status bit, and sounds like Scannerboy is again correct that this feature is not possible using a G5 on P25 systems.

As an aside, the more I monitor the system, it appears it is not a patch, and in fact Fire Rescue does broadcast on the Sheriff’s office TG.

Thanks to all for the input!
