That was the original plans. To stay stand alone. If they were going AWIN there would be use of TG already one the shared single site. They have not begun any use of AWIN even on the county layer. They have all the radios in everything but not using any on AWIN. That includes FD, PD, Transit, DPW. They are still on the old moto and conventional still. AWIN has not put out any comments that HS is going full AWIN. Not that I have seen. If they did I missed it.
That was the original plans. To stay stand alone. If they were going AWIN there would be use of TG already one the shared single site. They have not begun any use of AWIN even on the county layer. They have all the radios in everything but not using any on AWIN. That includes FD, PD, Transit, DPW. They are still on the old moto and conventional still. AWIN has not put out any comments that HS is going full AWIN. Not that I have seen. If they did I missed it.
you did not miss it. they are not going full AWIN.