Going "dark" in one County
Regardless of whether or not a city or county is using a proprietary system, proprietary encryption (i.e. ADP) or completely encrypting every talkgroup in their system, they think they are doing the right thing by blocking out the public's ability to monitor the radio traffic of law enforcement, fire, emergency medical services, etc. in their county, but they are not considering the impact this has on the public safety agencies in adjacent jurisdictions and beyond.
Over the years, it has and continues to be the habit of some law enforcement, fire and emergency management personnel to monitor the radio traffic of other agencies during severe weather, during a major incident in the other jurisdiction or even during routine operations to get the early jump on something major taking place, i.e. vehicle pursuit, big fire, etc. The agency I work for has for years monitored the activities of Douglas County Fire, Douglas County S.O., Paulding County Fire and Paulding County S.O. during severe weather to better help us prepare for damaging winds, severe cloud to ground lightning, etc. because Douglas County and or Paulding County usually get hit before we do. Having the ability to hear their radio traffic has given us the abiltiy to alert our personnel, both on duty and on call/standby early when they are reporting trees down, buildings collapsing, etc. I think having this ability over the years has given us an edge on improving our response to these types of incidents, but if an agency moves to a proprietary system or features it will eliminate our ability to have this extra jump.
I wish agencies would at least adopt a non-encrypt policy on main dispatch talkgroups/channels if they are using P25 or if using a proprietary radio system like MotoTRBO would agree to simulcast their main dispatch talkgroups over a VHF channel or website. This would allow us to maintain the edge we have always had and might even be better prepared to respond to them in a mutual aid situation when they need us.