Golden Gate Bridge Highway and Transportation District - How to Listen?


Oct 14, 2023
San Francisco, CA
Hi there! I'm still pretty new to scanning, and this is my first post on the forum. Apologies if I ask dumb questions!

I'm wondering if anyone has had any luck with listening to the Golden Gate Bridge Highway and Transportation District?

For reference, I have an SDS100. I live in SF, at low elevation. Tonight, I went to Corona Heights Park and Buena Vista Park to see if greater elevation would help. No dice. In fact, I couldn't pick up hardly anything. At low elevation in the Mission, I can at least pick up the SF County/City P25. I thought additional elevation would always be beneficial, though it didn't appear to be the case.

I had previously been to Twin Peaks with my old Pro-106, and I could actually hear some static coming through in a pattern that suggested it was voice (though I obviously couldn't make anything of it due to the simulcast distortion). I'm wondering if perhaps I'd have better luck at Twin Peaks, now that I have a scanner capable of handling simulcast?

Any help/guidance/info would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!


Premium Subscriber
Nov 16, 2004
It has been about a year since I have monitored this system but when I did I was picking it up from Sacramento so I would guess you should be able to get it from just about anywhere in the San Francisco area. It's possible simulcast could be an issue but I would still think you should get something.

My only suggestions would be to check and see that the system is programmed correctly or it's possible they have made changes to the system that are not reflected in the database.

You could try searching the 700 MHz band to see if you can find the control channel that way, it's possible that it could be on a 'new' frequency. The nice thing about P25 systems is you only need the control channel to be able to monitor the system so if you find it you should be good.


Oct 14, 2023
San Francisco, CA
It has been about a year since I have monitored this system but when I did I was picking it up from Sacramento so I would guess you should be able to get it from just about anywhere in the San Francisco area.
Oh shoot, really? My guess was that I couldn't get good reception because of my location in the Mission (surrounded by hills), so I'll try listening from different areas around the city to see if that's actually the issue or not.

You could try searching the 700 MHz band to see if you can find the control channel that way, it's possible that it could be on a 'new' frequency. The nice thing about P25 systems is you only need the control channel to be able to monitor the system so if you find it you should be good.
Oh wow, I had no idea about this. Thank you for enlightening me!

One more question, how do you know when you've found the correct control channel(s)? I know what to listen for, but I would imagine there would be multiple control channels in the 700 MHz band that might be used by other agencies--or am I incorrect in thinking that? And how do you know how many control channels there are, assuming you were going into this blind?

Thank you so much for your help!


Premium Subscriber
Nov 16, 2004
One more question, how do you know when you've found the correct control channel(s)? I know what to listen for, but I would imagine there would be multiple control channels in the 700 MHz band that might be used by other agencies--or am I incorrect in thinking that? And how do you know how many control channels there are, assuming you were going into this blind?
You would need to look at the WACN and System ID numbers. The WACN is 92745 and System ID is CF2 for this system.

As for how many control channels the system has, that depends on how many sites the system has. This system appears to have two sites ("Simulcast" and "Sonoma Mountain") going off what's in the database. It's possible the system could have more sites than that and discovering those site by searching the frequency bands it what I personally find to be the fun part of the hobby.

As for figuring out what alternate control channels (and a lot of other info) each site has you would need to use an analyzing software for that, like UniTrunker or something similar.


Oct 14, 2023
San Francisco, CA
You would need to look at the WACN and System ID numbers. The WACN is 92745 and System ID is CF2 for this system.

As for how many control channels the system has, that depends on how many sites the system has. This system appears to have two sites ("Simulcast" and "Sonoma Mountain") going off what's in the database. It's possible the system could have more sites than that and discovering those site by searching the frequency bands it what I personally find to be the fun part of the hobby.

As for figuring out what alternate control channels (and a lot of other info) each site has you would need to use an analyzing software for that, like UniTrunker or something similar.
Oh, I see. Thank you so much for this info; I clearly have a lot more to learn! I greatly appreciate your help!

You shouldn't have any issues receiving Site 1, the current control channel is 771.33125
Yeah, I think I've either done something wrong or I'm just in a bad location (I'm thinking there's a good chance it's the former, lol). I'll have to give it another go this weekend. I appreciate your help!


Oct 14, 2023
San Francisco, CA
Just wanted to leave an update, in case another newbie with the same issue stumbles upon this thread...

Receiving well from Twin Peaks! I can confirm that my reception of the control channel was pretty spotty from my location in the Mission, though it also appears that GGB is relatively quiet anyway. I imagine that's why I wasn't hearing anything in other locations. I did hear some brief comms tonight though!

As it turns out, my main issue was just my lack of patience lol.

Thank you so much @scannerboy02 for helping me out and sharing your knowledge!


California DB Admin
Database Admin
Oct 31, 2004
San Diego, CA
Since you’re in the city, have you given the new SFMTA system a try yet?

You should also be able to receive the BART EDACS system:

Both of those are going to be a lot more active than Golden Gate Transit.


Oct 14, 2023
San Francisco, CA
BART was a little tricky to listen to... I had to turn the squelch to at least 8 before I heard any voice. Lots of interference. But I've only tried in one area of my apartment, so I might need to move around a little and/or mess with my settings. Lots to hear though, esp. Maintenance.

Haven't heard much on SFMTA yet, but I only tried a couple times at night (that's usually when I listen). I know Muni isn't very active at night (apart from the Owl lines), so I'll have to give it a try earlier in the day.

I'm taking a trip to Tahoe this weekend, so I'm interested to find out what I can hear from there, as well!