Got HomePatrol-1 Today

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Senior Member
Database Admin
Nov 22, 2001
Northwest NJ
Yes, you need to write to the HP or it won't get updated from Sentinel. Also make sure that Download is selected on each system in the Favorites list and when the check box pops up asking if you want to dl favorites you check it too or they will not be updated.


One thing I have yet to figure out - if a DB update comes down that affects systems & channels that are in my favorite lists, do I have to re-create the favorite list every time a change like that happens?

My home-county TRS got the updates this morning to the TGID alpha-tags I made yesterday afternoon, but my favorite list still showed the old alpha tags in Sentinel (and subsequently, re-loaded the old ones back into the unit when I pushed the new updates in this morning).


Jul 23, 2005

One thing I have yet to figure out - if a DB update comes down that affects systems & channels that are in my favorite lists, do I have to re-create the favorite list every time a change like that happens?


Depends, If in Sentinel you have download selected for the favorite thats updated it should ask if you want to download that favorite as it will see it's changed. Whether it removes the old talkgroups I doubt it. If it were a huge change and lots of channels change I'd just replace that system in the favorites list.



Senior Member
Database Admin
Nov 22, 2001
Northwest NJ
Depends, If in Sentinel you have download selected for the favorite thats updated it should ask if you want to download that favorite as it will see it's changed. Whether it removes the old talkgroups I doubt it. If it were a huge change and lots of channels change I'd just replace that system in the favorites list.


Yeah, changes in the main DB updates to not seem to push down into the appended data that's in the favorite lists. I have all three of my initial favorite lists set to download every time, but the data does not appear to change...

Hopefully Paul can chime-in on this...


Jan 7, 2005
Northern NJ
I got my HP-1 this past Friday (10-1-10) from ScannerMaster and I love it. I believe it will make a great impact in bringing new people into the hobby because of its simplicity. I also think it will be a great radio for scanner buffs who travel. Whether you program it via zip code, gps, or use your own scan lists it will make scanning while traveling much easier.

I'm definitely a techno-geek when it comes to radios. I have a BCT-15 in my truck while my home listening post consists of 2 BC-780's, 2 BC-785's, and a BC-890 as well as several hand-held scanners. Add my ham shack equipment to that and it's obvious that I'm pretty well versed in programming and setting up radios.

Of course there was the novelty of being able to program the HP-1 out of the box just by keying in my zip code but after several days with it I can honestly say that this is a great radio for the experienced scanner user as well as the newbie. I have made several scan lists already and will probably add several more in the next few days.

The Pluses:

1) The display is very clear and well laid out.
2) The audio is crisp and clear.
3) The menus are easy to follow.

The Minus (at least the only one I've been able to find so far) :

1) The inability to rewrite the alpha tags.

All in all I'm glad I bought one. Definitely recommended!


In Memoriam
Premium Subscriber
Apr 19, 2004
Arlington, TX
Yeah, changes in the main DB updates to not seem to push down into the appended data that's in the favorite lists. I have all three of my initial favorite lists set to download every time, but the data does not appear to change...

Hopefully Paul can chime-in on this...

Favorites lists cannot automatically update.
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