You may have to change the baud rate in the scanner settings. Pretty sure it should be 4800. As long as you did not remove the icon in the display editor (if even allowed), it should display.
I wouild strongly suggest that since you have an SDS100 (with and editable display), that you change a couple of it's fields to lat/long.
All the GPS icon tells you is that the radio 'sees' the GPS. It does not tell you if it has a lock.
What model GPS receiver are you using? If it is the square receiver with the RJ11 connector, the baud rate should be set to 9600 bps. The scanner default is 4800 bps.
Thank you for the responses.
What do you mean change a couple of its fields? What coordinates should I plug in? My location?
I have the GPS sold by Uniden from the SDS 100?
You can have the scanner display latitude and longitude on the screen based on the location provided by the gps. It's so you know your locked onto the satellites. You just set it up in display options and the gps does the rest..
No. Set up your display to display latitude and longitude. Then after you plug in the gps, and it sees satellites, it will populate the screen with your location. If using full database, just go in and set your range to like a mile or two and it will scan everything based on what service types you have selected. If your using favorites lists, you would need to set Location Control to on.
From on the scanner, go into settings and display settings, and look for customize display, and it should be able to change there, or read the scanner into Sentinel, and open the display editor and click on those two areas in the picture that I posted earlier, and It will allow you to set longitude and latitude. Then write to the scanner.