russell email me i'm in georgetown like some info on my new psr500
LEH said:Kikito,
Couple of things.
1. Would you like to be on an airplane that goes down because of interference from a cell phone? The chances of this are pretty slim I'll admit, but I'd rather be safe than sorry.
2. Would you like to be sitting on an airplane for a couple of hours listening to the person next to you run their mouth the entire flight on their cell phone?
200 Hz sounds pretty standard for an EDACS-N "endtone". I'll bet Dave's suggestion will work. Just be careful you don't decrease the "EndtoneMot" value too far, or it's conceivable that the radio could falsely detect "endtone" in some circumstances.scannerhead said:DaveIN,
This Narrowband 900Mhz system actually doesn't have any beeps at the end of transmissions. I'm hearing a very short and low volume, probably sub-audible tone after they quit talking and before squelch tail. (I can only hear that tone with an earphone and volume turned up so I'm pretty sure it's sub-audible.) Sequence is: They release their mike button, sub-audible tone, 1/2 to 3/4 second of carrier and then squelch tail, then back to CC. Because of the short carrier and no tones at the end it actually keeps up with transmissions pretty well, but it's not behaving like it should. PS I don't have a Standard EDACS system in my area.
New info: Using my PRO96 I just verified that they are using a CTCSS of 199.5 for an endtone. Is this standard for an Narrowband EDACS system?
DaveIN said:Here is a thought Keith. Why not try reducing the PGM FUNC GLOB EndToneMot parameter. I know it says Mot for Motorola, but maybe it would help on narrow band EDACS. Maybe try try starting at 150, and decrease it in increments of 10 and see if you hear a difference.
I be interested to know if this works.
jrrob8 said:The front end is so good that is gets overloaded by cell towers as well. /QUOTE]
"So good" or no good?
walter900 said:>Is there someone or group who really understands this radio which I can contact.
Absolutley!! There's a big group......... of pages in the owners manual... Read it!! Seriously though, start with the manual, then join the yahoo PSR-500 group. If all fails, post a certain question to a certain problem here, and you will get the help you need. You can also try to search your problem within this forum. Also, check out the differant softwares available.. This may make loading your scanner easier for you. There are also pre-programmed trunk files within the scanner to get you up and going rather quickly. Again, check out the manual.
bonus1331 said:jrrob8 said:The front end is so good that is gets overloaded by cell towers as well. /QUOTE]
"So good" or no good?
I am hearing my local TRS attenuated better than with PRO-97. Having been scanning for a long time it is by far the best scanner I have ever owned. It is not perfect but very good.
jrrob8 said:The front end is so good that is gets overloaded by cell towers as well.
Probably TOO good....bonus1331 said:"So good" or no good?