GRE PSR-500 Firmware Release Thread

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Premium Subscriber
Jan 23, 2003
Yorktown, Virginia

Couple of things.

1. Would you like to be on an airplane that goes down because of interference from a cell phone? The chances of this are pretty slim I'll admit, but I'd rather be safe than sorry.

2. Would you like to be sitting on an airplane for a couple of hours listening to the person next to you run their mouth the entire flight on their cell phone?


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
North Pole, Alaska
LEH said:

Couple of things.

1. Would you like to be on an airplane that goes down because of interference from a cell phone? The chances of this are pretty slim I'll admit, but I'd rather be safe than sorry.

2. Would you like to be sitting on an airplane for a couple of hours listening to the person next to you run their mouth the entire flight on their cell phone?

No to both questions and that was exactly my point Lynn! I should know about that.... ;)

What I meant was that if we have to turn off our cellphones (granted there could be dozens of them in a single airplane) because the industry hasn't figure out yet how to effectively shield 30+ million dollar airplanes on a billions+ dollars a year business, how much should we expect from scanners that are a few hundred dollars worth on a "niche" market? And I definitely don't want to sit next to someone yacking away for hours! :)

I know, I always like to post in rhetorical, "devil's advocate" ways and that's why sometimes my point is misunderstood. However, it's very effective to get "discussions" going! ;)

OK, sorry for the off-topic.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Problem with Narrowband EDACS endtone and STAT is still not fixed

On a local Narrowband EDACS system ( ) The PSR500 fails to detect the end-tone and waits for squelch tail before returning to the control channel. This has been happening before and after any CPU or DSP updates. I've tried everything I can think of including trying a few different settings in the PGM+F+GLOB setting for EndToneEDACS. I can hear a very low level tone at the end of each transmission (before squelch tail) but the scanner is not hearing it or it's an odd system and using a tone the PSR500 does not detect.

Also, as a few others have said, even with CPU U02 and DSP U03 the STAT setting is still an issue. As mentioned before, leaving the first 1 or 2 CC frequency entries blank seems to help. I have left the first one blank and have a rarely used CC in the second space and then 2 active CCs in space 3 and 4. Seems to trunk both active CC's OK. Even added a few more active CC's in channels 5, 6 & 7 and it appeared to trunk all of them.


When I had an active CC in the channel 1 space, an inactive in channel 2 and an active in channel 3 it would hang on one or the other active CC's. Would like to see this fixed as well.

Thanks, Keith


Founders Curmudgen
Database Admin
Jan 5, 2003
West Michigan
Keith, are you saying your hearing the five EDACS beeps at the end of each comm or part of the first beep? Did you have to use the invert setting or did it track correctly as programmed?


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002

This Narrowband 900Mhz system actually doesn't have any beeps at the end of transmissions. I'm hearing a very short and low volume, probably sub-audible tone after they quit talking and before squelch tail. (I can only hear that tone with an earphone and volume turned up so I'm pretty sure it's sub-audible.) Sequence is: They release their mike button, sub-audible tone, 1/2 to 3/4 second of carrier and then squelch tail, then back to CC. Because of the short carrier and no tones at the end it actually keeps up with transmissions pretty well, but it's not behaving like it should. PS I don't have a Standard EDACS system in my area.

New info: Using my PRO96 I just verified that they are using a CTCSS of 199.5 for an endtone. Is this standard for an Narrowband EDACS system?
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Premium Subscriber
Nov 12, 2007
Bainbridge Island, Wa
New GRE PSR-500 Firmware 1.1 Available.

A final release of PSR-500 "CPU F1.1" and "DSP U1.1" Firmware has been released.

CPU Production Firmware - F1.1 Release Note Fixes.

-Identical to beta U0.2, plus:

-Fixed: WX mode would occasionally / unintended increment to the next freq.

DSP Production Firmware - U1.1 Release Note Fixes.

- This is the loadable version of the Factory 1.1 DSP firmware. Will display as "U1.1" after loading and is identical to the factory "F1.1" load.

This is identical to the beta version "U0.3" which provides improvement
in Project-25 decoding on most systems over the factory "F1.0" firmware.

Please download the Beta Release Firmware at:

- The GRE Development Team -


Founders Curmudgen
Database Admin
Jan 5, 2003
West Michigan
Here is a thought Keith. Why not try reducing the PGM FUNC GLOB EndToneMot parameter. I know it says Mot for Motorola, but maybe it would help on narrow band EDACS. Maybe try try starting at 150, and decrease it in increments of 10 and see if you hear a difference.

I be interested to know if this works.


Jun 17, 2003
Franktown, CO
scannerhead said:

This Narrowband 900Mhz system actually doesn't have any beeps at the end of transmissions. I'm hearing a very short and low volume, probably sub-audible tone after they quit talking and before squelch tail. (I can only hear that tone with an earphone and volume turned up so I'm pretty sure it's sub-audible.) Sequence is: They release their mike button, sub-audible tone, 1/2 to 3/4 second of carrier and then squelch tail, then back to CC. Because of the short carrier and no tones at the end it actually keeps up with transmissions pretty well, but it's not behaving like it should. PS I don't have a Standard EDACS system in my area.

New info: Using my PRO96 I just verified that they are using a CTCSS of 199.5 for an endtone. Is this standard for an Narrowband EDACS system?
200 Hz sounds pretty standard for an EDACS-N "endtone". I'll bet Dave's suggestion will work. Just be careful you don't decrease the "EndtoneMot" value too far, or it's conceivable that the radio could falsely detect "endtone" in some circumstances.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Problem with EDACS Narrow EndTone fixed!

DaveIN said:
Here is a thought Keith. Why not try reducing the PGM FUNC GLOB EndToneMot parameter. I know it says Mot for Motorola, but maybe it would help on narrow band EDACS. Maybe try try starting at 150, and decrease it in increments of 10 and see if you hear a difference.

I be interested to know if this works.

Thanks Dave and Don.

I kept lowering the EndToneMot value by 10 until I reached 80 (original value is 250) and it seems to working now. No more squelch tail!! This system is operated by a local power company and they've gone pretty quiet tonight so I'll give it a good check on Wed. Doesn't seem to have caused any issues with 3600 or 9600 MOT systems either.

I wish that GRE would share with us better descriptions of what these F+GLOB settings are and what effect they have on the radio. Why should we have to guess when they know. Otherwise, GRE has done a fantastic job with this radio and I love it!!!

Thanks again guys!


Aug 29, 2005
Las Vegas, NV

Good Morning-Received the new scanner as an early christmas present and I have never felt sooooo lost. Been using scanners since the old crystal days and this one really put me down. Is there someone or group who really understands this radio which I can contact. I'm sure my questions have been addressed somewhere before, so I don't want to waste the valuable time and space here in the forum. Anyand all help greatly appreciated


Database Admin
Dec 19, 2002
New Orleans, LA
Just a few thoughts on these firmware updates, and the resulting performance.

After trying the firmware updates, making careful tweaks to the radio's settings, and doing a lot of driving, I am somewhat disappointed.

This radio just will not decode this system properly. It is a 700/800 MHz P25 Simulcast site. I either get no signal, complete choppy P25 audio, or an overloaded receiver.

I can have an XTS5000 in my left hand, and the 500 in my right... And never hear the conversation on my scanner I had big hopes for. And this is less than 2 miles from the transmitter, outside.

I was hoping for some big solution yesterday with the first official release of firmware, but to see nothing was changed is a disappointment. There have been numerous suggestions posted here as well for CPU changes... Things that would definitely improve the operation of the radio... I hope GRE is going to work to improve here as well.

I know the radio has only been out about a month, but what would have happened if this radio was not upgradeable? Some of us would be pretty upset.

I am a big supporter of GRE. I know that they can resolve this issue.

Come to New Orleans, GRE. You can figure out the problem here, and have a good time too!


Dec 19, 2002
Roanoke, Va
I found that I had to attenuate my local system. The front end is so good that is gets overloaded by cell towers as well. I turned off the global settings and just attenuate the frequencies and systems that need it. Try this and see if it helps, if you haven't already.


Aug 24, 2005
>Is there someone or group who really understands this radio which I can contact.

Absolutley!! There's a big group......... of pages in the owners manual... Read it!! Seriously though, start with the manual, then join the yahoo PSR-500 group. If all fails, post a certain question to a certain problem here, and you will get the help you need. You can also try to search your problem within this forum. Also, check out the differant softwares available.. This may make loading your scanner easier for you. There are also pre-programmed trunk files within the scanner to get you up and going rather quickly. Again, check out the manual. :)


Premium Subscriber
Jan 10, 2004
Richmond, VA
walter900 said:
>Is there someone or group who really understands this radio which I can contact.

Absolutley!! There's a big group......... of pages in the owners manual... Read it!! Seriously though, start with the manual, then join the yahoo PSR-500 group. If all fails, post a certain question to a certain problem here, and you will get the help you need. You can also try to search your problem within this forum. Also, check out the differant softwares available.. This may make loading your scanner easier for you. There are also pre-programmed trunk files within the scanner to get you up and going rather quickly. Again, check out the manual. :)

Hi 3Mary2,

This points to the most frustrating attribute of almost anything this complex you'd buy today. The manual on CD rather than hard copy. Take my advice--PRINT IT. Take it to Kinko's, Office Max, etc. and have them print it out and punch holes for a binder. This radio is very easy to use, but it's going to be hard for you to just feel out with no study if you haven't worked with trunking at all before. You need time to browse around, learn some basics and satisfy your curiosity.

For instant action, I'm sure that you have a V-scanner file in the included data that includes Las Vegas. Find out how to load it, and you'll have a fair amount of stuff to listen to while you learn more. Also, visit the GRE webpage and learn how to load the firmware upgrades.

But once again, this radio can be easy to use and has an excellent manual, but I think you're going to want to make a physical book to flip through.

73/Allen (N4JRI)


Dec 19, 2002
Roanoke, Va
bonus1331 said:
jrrob8 said:
The front end is so good that is gets overloaded by cell towers as well. /QUOTE]

"So good" or no good?

I am hearing my local TRS attenuated better than with PRO-97. Having been scanning for a long time it is by far the best scanner I have ever owned. It is not perfect but very good.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 29, 2005
Orangevale, ca
PSR500 and 72Mhz

Hello PSR500 users,

Can the PSR500 accept a 72mhz frequency like 72.460? or will it reject the frequency as out of band? Note previous GRE units I have rejected a keyboard entry but accepted a software entry of out of band freq's.

thanks in advance for your response.
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