Now it's completely off the site and isn't listed in the product catalog.
picked mine up yesterday and had it running quickly on Fleetnet with Radioshack's free programming software, (gives 2 fee downloads from Radioreference), now have to tweek the file to my liking
Where did you guys see these scanner on sale..
Where did you guys see these scanner on sale..
Got mine yesterday as well. Yes, the analog audio quality on Fleetnet is still just as lousy as on my BC796D but the digital sounds better.
But man, I'm really struggling to program this thing. I'm doing it by hand but my guess I'm so used to banks of channels. I can't get my head around scanlists and "object oriented programming".
I just want to put in the Mississauga tower in one bank/scanlist, King City in another, etc. Maybe I should just bite the bullet and get Win500?