Gre psr 800

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Premium Subscriber
Jan 10, 2012
Hello. We are looking at this item to buy. However, there is an issue for which I'm finding several opinions. I'd like to know if anyone knows from personal experience, the answer. The Owner's Manual suggests NOT listening to this radio during charging, either using the USB or and AC charger. Problem is, it states it'll take 16 hours to charge. Just wanting to know if anyone has one, and whether they find it's safe to charge it while powered on. Thanks!


Jun 17, 2003
Franktown, CO
The PSR-800 will not charge from external power while "running". The reason is simple: there isn't enough power available on a standard USB port to both run the scanner and charge the batteries.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 10, 2012
GRE psr 800

Thank you. I assume by external power source that includes an AC charger? One that plugs diretly into a wall outlet?


Premium Subscriber
Jul 10, 2010
Victoria B.C. Canada
Just buy a few extra batteries and an external charger. It is better to charge rechargeable batteries outside of the radio anyway. You get a charger that is designed for the battery and will do a better job than any scanner's charging circuits. They are specialized for the job, which no scanner is.


Premium Subscriber
Nov 6, 2006
Phoenix, AZ
Hello. We are looking at this item to buy. However, there is an issue for which I'm finding several opinions. I'd like to know if anyone knows from personal experience, the answer. The Owner's Manual suggests NOT listening to this radio during charging, either using the USB or and AC charger. Problem is, it states it'll take 16 hours to charge. Just wanting to know if anyone has one, and whether they find it's safe to charge it while powered on. Thanks!

I rarely, and really mean rarely, have ran any scanner on battery power, and that covers a 30-40 year period, or so. I do, however, run my scanners off of 12 volt auto power when mobile, and off of wall warts, if indoors. If a scanner will operate without the batteries installed, I remove them upon purchase.

Back when scanners were big and heavy, or they were only "tuneable" (not a scanner), they set babbling 24/7/365, with the only down time being from local power outages. I run my 600t 24/7/365 next to my bed, but that is only a function of time. When I get the configuration of some of my newer scanners to my liking, I will augment, or replace, the 600t, probably with one of the 800's.

I would have absolute no qualms about running any of my 7 active, modern, or semi-modern scanners, constantly on external power. I even believe, from years of experience, that turning a scanner on, and leaving it on, will result in a longer lifespan for that scanner than could normally be expected.

I had one heavyweight that operated perfectly, near my bed, for 18 tears. I gave it to my mom as a gift in the mid-ninety's, and she promptly turned it off, lol.

Forget all that rambling above! You won't hurt your scanner by listening to it while it is running on external power. Now, if you must have (for reasons beyond my imagination) fully charged batteries at all times, then I am not the one to ask. Maybe get four 800's, toggle the 18 hours of charging with 6 hours of use, staggering the start times? Or, as is a much more popular idea according to Forum posts, a dedicated charger separate from the radio?

At my age and condition, I have little reason (or ability) to wander around with a scanner in my pocket, lol.



Silent Key
Dec 19, 2002
Supply (Lockwood Inlet area), NC
I run on house power via USB and a USB converter, auto power (USB cig lighter converter), and batteries about equally -- never really had much of a problem. I have two external chargers and 2 spare sets of batteries always on charge.... no problems.

If the batteries run low I change them.

Rarely charge batteries inside the radio - if at all - the radios are always on.....

Battery operation is critical for me -- I have to be able to move around.


Premium Subscriber
Jul 10, 2010
Victoria B.C. Canada
I run on house power via USB and a USB converter,

I use one of these in my bedroom when I go to bed. It has two outlets so if I wanted I could also run my ipod if I wanted variety.

[QUOTEIf the batteries run low I change them.
When I go out I carry an extra set of charged up batteries with me in my backpack. I rarely have to use them because if I'm away for a long time I will be at a meeting and not using the scanner. Otherwise my trips away rarely last more than two or three hours.

Battery operation is critical for me -- I have to be able to move around.

Well, it's important to me, too, but actually it's mostly used at home sitting next to my computer attached to a 50 foot piece of coax to my wide band 8 foot tall wide band antenna by the window next to my bed on the second floor, 'cause some neighbours complained when I had it outside.


Premium Subscriber
Nov 6, 2006
Phoenix, AZ
I use one of these in my bedroom when I go to bed. It has two outlets so if I wanted I could also run my ipod if I wanted variety.....................................

Near my puter I have a device that says "Plugable" on it. It has 9 USB ports and 1 of what looks like a power supply. I'm guessing that 1 of the USB ports goes to the puter. That leaves 8 USB ports for accessories. They are all full. Four are waiting for, or are connected to, up to four scanners to program and/or power, lol.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 10, 2012
Gre 800

Thanks everyone. All of you answered my questions. I think we're going to like this 800 (if it ever gets here!!) Really appreciate that advice.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 10, 2012
gre 800

Well, we've had this "thing" for awhile now and are completely lost. It makes a good paperweight. We pick up nothing more (and even less, actually) than the old analog one we replaced it with. I think it's going back to the store unless we become tech-brainiacs shortly.


Silent Key
Dec 19, 2002
Supply (Lockwood Inlet area), NC
Well, we've had this "thing" for awhile now and are completely lost. It makes a good paperweight. We pick up nothing more (and even less, actually) than the old analog one we replaced it with. I think it's going back to the store unless we become tech-brainiacs shortly.

What area are you in and what are you trying to/wanting to listen to?

Do you only listen to conventional channels and/or analog trunked systems? Are there any digital systems in your area?

How have you programmed your radio (imports from the SD card? EZ SCan?

Let's see if we can help -- maybe the radio is more than you need --


Premium Subscriber
Jan 10, 2012
Gre 800

This was the unit most recommended for our area, which is Gainesville, Texas. I even visited the radioreference pages that have you choose your locale, and helps you select the radio based on what area agencies use.

We're not tech-novice, am well-versed on using the old analog radios, and have enough computer savvy to survive in this tech-world. However, nothing about this radio is user-friendly, including the unit itself, or the owner's manual or the DVD software. That said, it's still the one most recommended for ease of use because all scanlists are supposed to be pre-programmed.

At this point, I think our only option is to find someone locally who can actually program it for us, and give us a lesson or two on it's use.


Premium Subscriber
May 8, 2004
Dallas, TX
This was the unit most recommended for our area, which is Gainesville, Texas. I even visited the radioreference pages that have you choose your locale, and helps you select the radio based on what area agencies use.

We're not tech-novice, am well-versed on using the old analog radios, and have enough computer savvy to survive in this tech-world. However, nothing about this radio is user-friendly, including the unit itself, or the owner's manual or the DVD software. That said, it's still the one most recommended for ease of use because all scanlists are supposed to be pre-programmed.

At this point, I think our only option is to find someone locally who can actually program it for us, and give us a lesson or two on it's use.
Unfortunately, I don't own that specific scanner, so I can't tell you specifically how to set up the scan lists. But there are a number of other users who, I'm sure, can. You're in Cooke County. Looking at the database page, the county S.O. is digital, so the 800, or some digital scanner, would be required to hear them. Grayson County, next door to you, has a number of agencies on digital, including the Sheriff's Office, Sherman, Denison, and Van Alstyne. To your west, Montaque County S.O. is also using digital. If you were to take your scanner with you down into the Frisco area to shop, you'd have several digital trunked radio systems in range, if you were interested. Texas DPS is also digital, though they use MDT's for much of their ordinary traffic.

You might get more "PSR-800" specific help down in the GRE forum. I would suspect that the most likely issues are getting the correct channels (or however the 800 describes them) selected on the scan list you're using, and possibly antenna. Probably more related to the scan lists than anything.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 10, 2012
Thank you, Steve.

We are going to try and reset the radio to factory settings. We've read the owner's manual til we're blue in the face. I'm seriously thinking we have more radio than we need.


Premium Subscriber
May 8, 2004
Dallas, TX
Thank you, Steve.

We are going to try and reset the radio to factory settings. We've read the owner's manual til we're blue in the face. I'm seriously thinking we have more radio than we need.
You do need a digital scanner, to get everything in your area, but I suspect the problem is in getting the channels you need added to the active scanlist/scan set in the 800. I don't have the PSR-800; I have Uniden's Home Patrol 1, among other scanners. It's also an 'easy to use' scanner.

Again, I suspect the issue is not with the scanner itself, but with the way the scanlists/scan sets are set up. That's the "programming" that tells the scanner what you want to hear. After selecting the 'objects' (GRE's name for the items you want to hear in the programming system used in this scanner, as well as the PSR-500 & -600, among others0, you also have to have it enabled.

You might post a question either on the DFWScan Yahoo group, or down in the Texas Forum, and see if there is anyone close to you with this same scanner. I know there are a number of members in Denton & Cooke counties, as well as Collin. Not sure about Grayson. But perhaps one of them does have that model and can walk you through the scanlist setup.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 10, 2012
Gre 800

We sent this radio back and are now shopping for a truly, user-friendly, digital, handheld scanner. Open to all suggestions.



Dec 19, 2002
Fortunately, GA
We sent this radio back and are now shopping for a truly, user-friendly, digital, handheld scanner. Open to all suggestions.


For a scanner (PSR-800), according to someone here on RR, that a chimp can program, it's not true. To manually enter frequencies into a newer digital, P-25 scanner will incur loss of hair:) If you are looking for something that you can understand (using programming software), I suggest the GRE PSR-500. It comes with everything but the software. For software, I prefer Win500. You can download a thirty day free trial at:
The other I would suggest is PSREdit500 at :
The 500 will give you all the coverage for your area.
Another scanner, the Uniden BCD396XT, should work for you too.
FreeScan, at: www.sixspotsoftware/download wiil get you up and running on the 396XT.
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