Great Smoky mountain National Park

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Aug 25, 2005
Franklin NC
Can anyone tell me where on the FCC data base to look for Federal Frequencies?

I'm intrested in the Smoky Mountains which are now APCO-25

I would like to find call signs and Frequencies !



Aug 10, 2005
Sacramento County, California
the FCC doesn't do Federal frequencies. The NTIA does, and they don't list them in any database for the public to view.

But I'll be nice and give you a nice list of frequencies i found on another post on the board for the area:

KF4LNE said:
Federal Government
167.150M - Great Smoky Mountain National Park - F-1
167.150R - Great Smoky Mountain National Park - F-2
168.200 - Great Smoky Mountain National Park - F-3
168.750 - Great Smoky Mountain National Park - F-4
415.125 - Great Smoky Mountain National Park - Link
167.075 - Great Smoky Mountain National Park - Rangers
166.350 - Great Smoky Mountain National Park
169.950 - Great Smoky Mountain National Park
167.175M - Blue Ridge Parkway - F-1
167.175R - Blue Ridge Parkway - F-2
166.375 - Blue Ridge Parkway - F-2 Input
171.675 - Blue Ridge Parkway - Link
411.850 - Blue Ridge Parkway - Link
169.875 - U.S. Forest Service
169.675 - U.S. Forest Service
168.075 - U.S. Forest Service
164.675 - Cherokee Indian Reservation
165.3375 - Cherokee Indian Reservation
168.675 - Cherokee Indian Reservation
155.115 - Cherokee Indian Reservation - Police
154.400 - Cherokee Indian Reservation - Fire
155.280 - Cherokee Indian Reservation - E.M.S.
155.340 - Cherokee Indian Reservation - E.M.S.
155.055 - Cherokee Indian Reservation
47.62 - Cherokee Indian Reservation
162.400 - NWS Weather - Asheville, NC
162.475 - NWS Weather - Knoxville, TN


Premium Subscriber
Jul 19, 2004
This too It may be old but has the UHF links listed too and transmitter locations and radio ID's

.530 Deep Creek TIS KID771
1.610 Oconaluftee TIS KIE718
167.150 Ch 1 Simplex
167.150 166.350 173.8 Ch 2 Great Smokey Mtns NP
168.200 Ch 3 Forest Service
168.750 Ch 4 Forest Service
167.175 166.375 cs Blue Ridge Parkway

Radio Numbers:

400's Little River District - Sugarlands Area
500's Oconaluflee Area
600's Cades Cove Area
700 Dispatch
700 B Backcountry Desk

Primary site located at Radio tower at Clingmans Dome. Voting system.
UHF links from remote sites. All UHF Links are carrier Squelch output.

408.475 166.350 173.8 Look Rock Lookout Rock? E Sugarlands KIE727
408.525 166.350 173.8 Mt Sterling Lookout W of Waterville Lake KIE728
408.625 166.350 173.8 Shuck Stack Lookout N of Fontana Dam KID795
408.725? 166.350 173.8 Cowee Boulder KID794
408.775 166.350 173.8 Cove Mtn Lookout N of Laurel Falls KIE729
412.175 cs

415.125 Voter Clingman's Dome KID726
167.150 Voter CLingman's Dome KID726

167.150 415.125 cs Mt Sterling Lookout W of Waterville Lake KIE728
167.150 415.125 cs Cove Mtn Lookout N of Laurel Falls KIE729

KIE700 Gatlinburg KIE722 Cades Cove
KIE702 Cosby Campground KIE724 Tremont
KIE703 Cataloch KIE725 Oconaluftee Vistors Center
KIE704 Elkmont KIE730 Clingmans Dome
KIE705 Oconaluftee KIE731 Elkmont Campground
KIE706 Cades Cove KIE732 Cosby Campground
KIE707 Look Rock KIE793 Twin Creeks
KIE709 Deep Creek KPB747 Greenbrier
KIE712 Greenbrier KPC742 Smoky Mountains
KIE713 Big Creek KPC743 Cades Cove Campground
KIE714 Tremont KPC744 Cataloch
KIE715 Smoky Mountain KPC745 Newfoundland Gap
KIE716 Abrams Creek
KIE717 Chilhowee
KIE719 Twenty Mile


Jul 25, 2001
I just came back from there yesterday. 169.55 is a regional repeater which has pretty good coverage thru-out the park. The UHF links seem to be dead since the change over to P-25. I have not heard anything on any of them the last 2 or 3 times I've been there. Here are some other freqs I found active, all P-25:

166.350 Input to repeater
169.0875 Repeater Output
170.3875 Repeater Output
171.1625 Repeater Output
167.175 Blue Ridge Parkway Repeater output

Hope you have a good time, I sure did.


Oct 14, 2014
Well, I'm real late to this thread. I just moved to Maryville, TN and I was hoping to be able to listen in on some of the ranger chatter in the park.

I'm a new ham and I've tried most of the frequencies listed in this thread and I get nothing. I'm listening on a hand held YAESU FT-60.

Am I just out of range or is there a trick that I'm missing?

Thanks, Beck


Feb 24, 2001
Well, I'm real late to this thread. I just moved to Maryville, TN and I was hoping to be able to listen in on some of the ranger chatter in the park.

I'm a new ham and I've tried most of the frequencies listed in this thread and I get nothing. I'm listening on a hand held YAESU FT-60.

Am I just out of range or is there a trick that I'm missing?

Thanks, Beck

The park's radio system has been changed. Open up the Tennessee page on the database then click on the federal listings located under the Tennessee Areawide Frequencies heading on the right near the top of the page. The National Park Service has installed "voting" repeaters in many large parks. All the mobiles use one mobile input frequency and don't switch channels or tones to bring up a particular repeater. Instead the receive side of all the repeaters is linked. The repeater with the best signal is then transmitted on all the other repeaters at the same time. Given that each repeater is on a different frequency no interference is experienced. The radio user does not have to keep track of the location and think of which repeater to choose as the voter computer selects the receiver with the best signal. The radio user does not have to switch tones when moving from one area to another A unit on the park boundary in North Carolina is able to hear another unit transmitting near the park headquarters just outside Gatlinburg. The dispatcher doesn't have to tell the North Carolina unit to standby while the Tennessee unit is talking on the same frequency on another repeater when that North Carolina unit can't hear the repeater the Tennessee unit is using. This voting system allows everyone to hear everything transmitted on the park's net no matter where they are located.

This is quite advantageous for the scanner listener. If only one repeater is in range of a scanner it will receive everything on the park's repeater net. Grand Canyon National Park has a voting system as well but with five nets, but on any given net everything in the park can be heard. Their nets are admin, fire, medical, law enforcement and tactical.

Shenandoah National Park also has a parkwide voted system. There might be other National Park Service units with one of these systems, I've given you just a few examples.

You need to look at the database and not old threads. The database is updated using the submissions of members who keep track of changes, often by actual listening. Old threads have old information.
Last edited:


Oct 14, 2014
Thanks Exsmoky....

kf8yk, what is P25 digital? What kind of radio will pick that up?

Thanks, Beck


Monitoring since 1982, using radios since 1991.
Premium Subscriber
Dec 18, 2002
Indianapolis, IN
When your in the NC southern tip of the GSMNP you can also monitor the Blue Ridge Parkway system too. Also now P25 conventional. Some of the National Forests have converted over to P25, but not all of them yet. (See the Pisgah National Forest listings etc...) Essential listening in the TN/NC border areas: TACN, VIPER, GSMNP, BRP, and the local systems in the counties surrounding the GSMNP. (TACN, VIPER, GSMNP, BRP, and parts of the PNF are P25. Still lots of analog in the rural areas around them.)


Jun 24, 2012
Dome Radios

I was up at Clingaman's Dome over the weekend - there are 5 antennas there (2 Omni / 3 directional) and they are all UHF and I didn't hear anything on the VHF frequency listed for the Dome. Does anyone know what frequencies are up there now? I saw old hardline from previous antennas cut at the shack. I am picking up traffic on all the other VHF frequencies in the park.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
When I was there last year I heard that repeater - at least I had it identified as such in my data.

Did not have a HH with me, nor did I hike up.

I was just running a Uniden with the on-board data FWIW (same as in RR)


Jun 24, 2012
I also heard it earlier this year when over in Maryville, but not lately or when up there - didn't see any VHF antennas there on tower.


Monitoring since 1982, using radios since 1991.
Premium Subscriber
Dec 18, 2002
Indianapolis, IN
That site is no longer an active VHF repeater. It does still have Fixed UHF Links, etc... But the VHF repeater has been decommissioned. It is adequately covered by other sites.
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