I bought a new 9ft ring cable.. the one I was using was 18ft. It's going a short distance,, maybe 6ft. I also replaced the ground cable with a ground strap. I removed the daisy chain connection from the battery to the ground and just have the ground connected with the chassis. The SWR is getting between 1.6 and 1.75 on Chan 1 and 40.
Odd thing is that when I place the cap on the firestik antenna, the SWR shifts to around 2.25 - 3.0 on the test channels. It's also odd that the SWR is lower with the door open versus closed, and every time I run the self diagnostic on the radio, it reads fail. This is even though the meter is showing a good SWR without the plastic cap on the antenna..
Have any others experienced similar issues with the antenna caps?
Not sure why it's triggering the fail signal on the diagnostic when it's showing good signal without the cap on SWR meter..
I'm hearing faint conversations, probably from a highway that's a few miles away.. not sure, but the signal has a lot of static.. could be why the diagnostic is showing fail..