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- Aug 28, 2004
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Is this the test they use to give for the tech test or if it isn,t can ya give me the right direction on to study for the test thanks http://www.arrl.org/arrlvec/tech2003.txt
250d said:OH ok got that part would it be like that test or is it exackly like that one ,and give or take how long would you study for that particular test.MY boy just got his lic and i was wanting to study it and take it too.
Mike, acutally I agree with you that you should learn the reason behind every question for the best understanding; however, those are the questions that will appear on the test, exactly as they are written. Of course not all of the questions appear, but no question can appear on any ham test now unless it is in the official "approved" question pool for that test. 8)ka3jjz said:It is very unlikely to be exactly like the ARRL test; but it will be similar. I guess I'm showing that I'm old school when I say don't memorize every question's answers; that won't teach you anything. Learn the reasons WHY an answer is correct; you will therefore be better prepared.
I was checking out that qrz.com for New Hams and found this one callsign, got a kick out this one WH0DAT its a club out of Saipan,MP i guess (Military Police) I'm wondering if they would transmit on HF?k3td said:CONGRATULATIONS! Keep an eye on http://www.qrz.com to see your callsign when the license is issued by the FCC. I'm not sure what the current lead time is, but I know it is days - not weeks! Let us know!
Good luck and 73,
Not Military Police. I am sure it has to do with it being the Marianas Island chain. In any case, according to the QRZ bio on the club they do lots of HF.rckydenver said:...Saipan,MP i guess (Military Police) I'm wondering if they would transmit on HF?