Odd that the XG-75 models wouldn't be on the approved list,but old and ELO'd models like the 7200 and 7300 series are.
I'm sure L3HARRIS would like to have buried the 7200's in a special place in hell for all the problems it has given them,since inheriting them, and all the other radio models (prior to the XG series) from the Tyco Electronics acquisition.
Is it because none of the XG-75 models were ever purchased, for use on the system, so they just never ended up on the approved list?
I do not know for sure. It could be that they do not desire the use of Harris so they just haven't included it. Or perhaps a department had purchased some already and requested they review and add those. But, as we see on the list, there is an assortment of Harris radios that are an option so I don't know why some would be left off.
The rest of my information regarding this...particular situation is second or third hand so I hesitate to post it in detail but, suffice it to say, I was told that the word from the division is his isn't legit despite his claims otherwise. The whys and hows have already been covered in the thread.