Someone help me wrap my mind around why the State implemented a new P25 VHF system, a few years ago, and now they want to waste tax dollars by purchasing/renting another radio system and equipment? It hasn't been that long since the GSP began using their new repeaters throughout the State. If the current system is functioning adequately, I'm assuming it is, then what's the reasoning for a totally different system? As a tax payer in this State, I'm throwing out the BS flag and say let them use the new P25 system they have in place.
Edit: I want to throw in the lack of transparency also. In my area of the State, Central Savannah River Area, Richmond County, Columbia County and McDuffie County have all went to using encryption. With GSP using the Southern Linc system they'll essentially be "encrypted" as well.
I despise government entities that don't want transparency by allowing citizens to monitor their radio activities. In the past, before they began using their encrypted TRS, I monitored Columbia County on a regular basis. I would hear incidents on my scanner that never made it to the news organizations because they wanted the illusion that there was little to no crime in the county. Now that these agencies are encrypted, how do we know what is happening in our communities if they don't share the information via the news organizations? I know I'm preaching to the choir about encrypted communications but it's just a rant and food for thought.