Help w/ Akron

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Jun 16, 2004
I am totaly new to all of this. I mainly want to listen to Akron police/fire and I know I will need a digital scanner with the bc-296D or 96pro being the ones.
Can I use either "off the shelf" or is there software or upgrades needed and does it add to the cost?

Does the term CQPSK mean any thing and is that refering to the system that Akron police/fire (and others in the area I may want to monitior) use? CQPSK phaseII?

Unfortunately the people at the local stores know little to nothing about the questions I have listed so I have come to this forum (and people who actualy own the radios) for help.

If people can help with the above and give the pros and cons for each scanner and any info you may think maybe helpful I would very grateful.

I just want to make the best decision, $500-550 is alot for one of these things.



Dec 19, 2002
akron ohio
Either the Uniden or RS will work. You can program them manually in a couple of minutes. I have both and find the RS easier to program and the volume is better. The CSPK isn't used here.

E-mail me if you get one and I'll help you program it. There's a lot of radio traffic in Akron...PD and FD.


Feb 28, 2004
Newbury, Ohio

On Thursday, I was in Barberton covering a drowning overnight. On my way home, I heard what was probably Akron Narcotics doing surveilance in or around a a[artment complex. They were in the bushes, on the roof in cars, diverting traffic, handing out summonses, etc...

It was fantastic to finally hear something from my Akron frequencies worthwhile. They were using the "special events" channels that night.

I'm so happy with my Pro-96.


Well Known Member
Database Admin
Jul 3, 2003
pokerguy said:
I am totaly new to all of this. I mainly want to listen to Akron police/fire and I know I will need a digital scanner with the bc-296D or 96pro being the ones.
Can I use either "off the shelf" or is there software or upgrades needed and does it add to the cost?

Does the term CQPSK mean any thing and is that refering to the system that Akron police/fire (and others in the area I may want to monitior) use? CQPSK phaseII?

Unfortunately the people at the local stores know little to nothing about the questions I have listed so I have come to this forum (and people who actualy own the radios) for help.

If people can help with the above and give the pros and cons for each scanner and any info you may think maybe helpful I would very grateful..

C-QPSK(6.25 kHz Bandwidth ) stands for Compatible Quadrature Phase-Shift Keying and is APCO phase II. It is a type of digital modulation. 9600 baud or 9.6 bps systems use C-QPSK. 3600 baud or 3.6 bps use C4FM Phase I (12.5kHz Bandwidth) modulation. There are only a handfull of C-QPSK systems in use at this time.

Akron uses a MOT 3600 baud 800 MHz system with C4FM modulation, which means a C-QPSK compatible scanner is not required.

However, you might as well just buy one of the newer digital scanners that have 9600 baud capabilities because you going to pay just about the same price for the older ones that do not.

Go with the pro-96. The digital AGC and adaptive trunking cannot be beat. Afterall, you are buying a digital scanner to monitor digital right?

There have been many many debates about the Uniden's offering added features that the pro-96 does not have, but again, isn't your sole purpose of buying a $500 scanner to monitor digital transmissions?


Jun 16, 2004
Well I bought the Pro 96 mainly for the battery pack issue. I know I am missing some frequencies (the mil aircraft for ex)

Thanks for the replys I already have some operation issues I may need some help /w from this group but I am listening.

I even stopped outside the Akron air show to try it out.

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