Help with a batch file

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Old Radio Guy
Premium Subscriber
Jan 18, 2005
I have been trying to use a couple of Airspys and a couple of Noolec sdrs as a scanner function.
I made a batch file to run FMPA and FMP24 but was stuck with 1 scan list file. So I made a scan
list file for each system/function and then the batch file would rename the file FMPA.Scanfile
and run it. Works great. The only problem is that DSDPlus asks if you want automatic updates.
A batch file cannot send key strokes to a Window I don't think, so the DSDPlus sits there waiting
for a yes or no. Its no big deal but I just have to look for the window with the question and
hit yes or no. Does anyone know a different program that will do this and allow me to get past
this window automatically?

c:\dsd246\scanlist\ text files that I rename FMPA.Scanlist or FMP24.Scanlist, ex dhnap.txt had the freqs for the Dothan airport.

menu.bat rr won't let me attach a batch file

@Echo off
title Mil's SDR Menu
echo Select a task:
echo =============
echo 1) Ft Rucker Airspy fmpa outside antenna
echo 2) Fort Rucker Communication System fmp24 outside
echo 3) Dothan Communicatin System fmp24 outside
echo 4) Dothan Airport fmp24 outside
echo 5) Cairns Radar fmp24 outside
echo 6) Dothan Airspy inside antenna
echo 7) Alabama State Trooper Base
set /p web=Type option:
if "%web%"=="1" goto fmpa/dsdfr
if "%web%"=="2" goto Fort Rucker
if "%web%"=="3" goto Dothan
if "%web%"=="4" goto Airport
if "%web%"=="5" goto Cairns Radar
if "%web%"=="6" goto fmpa/dsddhn
if "%web%"=="7" goto AST
goto exit
start FMPA -i2 -o20032 -f138.5375 -b12.5 -_2 -wsl650.00
start DSDPlus -F1 -r1 -e -m1 -i20032 -OM NUL -_2
goto exit
:Fort Rucker
copy c:\dsd246\scanlist\fr.txt c:\dsd246
del FMP24.Scanlist
rename fr.txt FMP24.Scanlist
goto fmp24/dsd
copy c:\dsd246\scanlist\dhn.txt c:\dsd246
del FMP24.Scanlist
rename dhn.txt FMP24.Scanlist
goto fmp24/dsd
copy c:\dsd246\scanlist\dhnap.txt c:\dsd246
del FMP24.Scanlist
rename dhnap.txt FMP24.Scanlist
goto fmp24/dsd
:Cairns Radar
copy c:\dsd246\scanlist\cairnsradar.txt c:\dsd246
del FMP24.Scanlist
rename cairnsradar.txt FMP24.Scanlist
goto fmp24/dsd
start FMPA -i1 -o20031 -f851.7375 -b12.5 -_2 -wsl650.00
start DSDPlus -F2 -r1 -e -m1 -i20031 -OM NUL -_2
goto exit
copy c:\dsd246\scanlist\e.txt c:\dsd246
del FMP24.Scanlist
rename e.txt FMP24.Scanlist
goto fmp24/dsd
DEL DSDPlus.bin
START FMP24 -i1 -o20009 -P0.0 -wsl0.0 -s1 -v150 -g33.0
START DSDPlus -e -fa -i20009 -m1
goto exit
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