Help with DSD Plus install


Premium Subscriber
Nov 4, 2019
Cranston, Rhode Island

I would like to make a NEW installation of DSD Plus. I am registered user. My current installation is old and although it runs, there are a bunch of errors when the event log starts. Attached is screen shot of the errors. From what I recall it was VERY confusing setting this up a few years ago. But with all the updates since then I need to make a fresh installation. Also I don't remember what to do as far as editing all those text files. I want to first start off monitoring THIS SYSTEM: RISCON. There are 4 ZONES in this system, but I only want to use 3 of them: NORTH, SOUTH and METRO. If I can get this working, I would like to also monitor some DMR and NXDN commercial stuff locally. I ran "test base files now" and got this error: "base files test: 10 files passed 6 files failed (outdated or corrupted) 2 files not found see console for details." I know I am not installing these files/folders right. Also attached is pic of my entire DSD PLUS folder. There seems to be WAY TOO many files in here, some I could probably delete. I use an RTL-SDR connected to outdoor antenna. So any of the other files for like Airspy and others I dont need. The structure of this program is hard for me to understand. So I am not sure how to set it up. Thanks....


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Premium Subscriber
Sep 30, 2017
Nacogdoches, Texas
Not to be mean, but if you would do a little bit of homework, finding information pertaining to installing base file's etc. and keeping the software updated is posted literally all over the place. You can even find Youtube videos on it. I assume you're a FL subscriber, with that said, create yourself a brand new folder (or directory), re-download your base files and start from scratch. I promise what you need to know has already been asked. Research and due diligence is a must in this area.


Premium Subscriber
Nov 4, 2019
Cranston, Rhode Island
Not to be mean, but if you would do a little bit of homework, finding information pertaining to installing base file's etc. and keeping the software updated is posted literally all over the place. You can even find Youtube videos on it. I assume you're a FL subscriber, with that said, create yourself a brand new folder (or directory), re-download your base files and start from scratch. I promise what you need to know has already been asked. Research and due diligence is a must in this area.
Yes I hear ya......gettin' old and memory isn't what it used to be!


Premium Subscriber
Apr 9, 2003
Van Alstyne, TX

I would like to make a NEW installation of DSD Plus. I am registered user. My current installation is old and although it runs, there are a bunch of errors when the event log starts. Attached is screen shot of the errors. From what I recall it was VERY confusing setting this up a few years ago. But with all the updates since then I need to make a fresh installation. Also I don't remember what to do as far as editing all those text files. I want to first start off monitoring THIS SYSTEM: RISCON. There are 4 ZONES in this system, but I only want to use 3 of them: NORTH, SOUTH and METRO. If I can get this working, I would like to also monitor some DMR and NXDN commercial stuff locally. I ran "test base files now" and got this error: "base files test: 10 files passed 6 files failed (outdated or corrupted) 2 files not found see console for details." I know I am not installing these files/folders right. Also attached is pic of my entire DSD PLUS folder. There seems to be WAY TOO many files in here, some I could probably delete. I use an RTL-SDR connected to outdoor antenna. So any of the other files for like Airspy and others I dont need. The structure of this program is hard for me to understand. So I am not sure how to set it up. Thanks....
Reinstalling won't fix the errors you're getting - those errors are in your configuration files, fix them and you'll clear the errors.


Most of those errors are related to a TIIII system - last year the author updated Fast Lane to divide the TIII decoder into two types - Standard and non-Standard (typically Motorola Capacity Max come across as non-Standard, but there are others as well).

On line 2448 of your DSDPlus.radios file, there's likely a radio that still has the system type of TIII, and needs to be changed to TIIIStd or TIIInonStd to align with the new system type.

Next, you've got a similar error on line 255 of the DSDPlus.groups file.

In your DSDPlus.sites file, there's something at the end of lines 29 and 31 that is not what DSDPlus is expecting (I'm bad about comments in many of my files, preceed it with a semicolon ';' and save it to clear that error)

Same thing goes for line 7 of your DSDPlus.networks file.

I use Notepad++ to edit the config files, since it shows the line numbers, making it easy to find the referenced lines.

If there was something out of kilter with the files, you'd see that in the .LOG file right after startup:

2025.01.03 11:41:37 Testing Base Files:
2025.01.03 11:41:37
2025.01.03 11:41:37 File: FMP24.exe PASS
2025.01.03 11:41:37 File: FMPA.exe PASS
2025.01.03 11:41:37 File: FMPP.exe PASS
2025.01.03 11:41:37 File: FMP-Map.exe PASS
2025.01.03 11:41:37 File: LRRP.exe PASS
2025.01.03 11:41:37 File: Survey.exe PASS
2025.01.03 11:41:37 File: airspy.dll PASS
2025.01.03 11:41:37 File: lame_enc.dll PASS
2025.01.03 11:41:37 File: libfftw3f-3.dll PASS
2025.01.03 11:41:37 File: libusb-1.0.dll PASS
2025.01.03 11:41:37 File: msvcr90.dll PASS
2025.01.03 11:41:37 File: msvcr100.dll PASS
2025.01.03 11:41:37 File: msvcrt.dll PASS
2025.01.03 11:41:37 File: pthreadVCE2.dll PASS
2025.01.03 11:41:37 File: rtlsdr.dll PASS
2025.01.03 11:41:37 File: rtlsdr_FC0012.dll PASS
2025.01.03 11:41:37 File: rtlsdr_V4.dll PASS
2025.01.03 11:41:37 File: sdrplay_api.dll PASS
2025.01.03 11:41:37
2025.01.03 11:41:37 18 files checked
2025.01.03 11:41:37 18 files passed
2025.01.03 11:41:37
2025.01.03 11:41:37 Base files test: All files passed

If one of those is bad, you can (from within the app), click on the "Misc" menu and "Download Newest Base Files" (you can also on-demand test them there as well).


Premium Subscriber
Jul 15, 2014
Raleigh, NC
Yes I hear ya......gettin' old and memory isn't what it used to be!

That describes many of us, but fortunately forum messages are kept for a very long time so we can look back at them, and the forums has an excellent search function in the top right corner. That said, @mwjones has explained to you a new install is still going to create similar errors unless you fix the issue.