Oh, wait this is a PiZero?
let's see the output... (let it run for 30 seconds or so, it'll go indef. if you let it.) then hit it with a <CNTL+C>.
I have a couple of pi zeros I can spin up, to locally test if need be. I'm afraid things are getting apples-to-oranges with you flopping between regular PCs and then going to an SOC like a Pi Zero and MASSIVELY different CPU bandwith capabilities.
I'm getting really close, but now I introduced a new problem. The NOAA frequency was on VHF and the channel I want to stream is on UHF. I found a local PD that has is near the frequency of the frequency of the FD that I want to stream, and the PPM setting is completely wrong and I am getting nothing but a high pitch squeal anytime someone talks.
Back to the drawing board!