Help with uniden bcd536hp not receiving Tucson Police...


Premium Subscriber
Mar 31, 2007
Southwest, IL
On rare occasions I will notice that the G5 misses a call the KNG radio receives, especially with the weaker signals of more distant systems or sites. But more importantly I do find the G5 to sometimes begin proper decode slightly later (resulting in occasional clipping at the start), and overall decode and audio quality to be slightly better on the KNG, even on strong signals. I am surprised you experienced no difference at all - even as to decode and sound quality - between a Motorola subscriber radio and a G5. If that is true for you, you should definitely stick with your G5 and feel very good about it and save the incremental money a KNG costs over a G5. It isn't my experience unfortunately. I like the G5 a lot and it sounds much, much better than any consumer grade scanner, even the SDS radios, but for me it is not quite on par with my KNG radios. It is a close second.

I also much prefer the form factor, the controls, the ease of activating and manipulating scan lists and site selections, the button and switch customization and things like that of the KNG over the G5.
Thanks, I appreciate it. As always things vary from location to location and obviously on what you're listening go. I didn't obviously have the opportunity to use the Motorola for any length of time. If my (or anyone else's) life depended on it things might be different but as a listening enthusiast, and someone that was in LE for 10 years (leaving that field in '88, I simply like to hear what is happening around me. I've had scanners since the 70's, and they've come a long way. While the G5 isn't perfect and obviously has limitations over some of the scanners, I feel the way it works for me will probably be ok. I can tell you that against the several scanners I checked on a two simulcast systems, it performed much better than the scanners we checked it against including two SDS 100s.
Again thanks for the info, I appreciate it.