Just curious what you didn't like about the 436hp? I am thinking about adding one to my shack.
I have had the 536hp for a few months and like it so far. The provoice was why i bought the 536 and i am enjoying hearing ocpd again.
I would like to monitor the Edmond okc area DMR but haven't figured out how to get the frequencies properly programed. I did the dmr upgrade but not able to copy the Edmond frequency i am just getting noise.
It took a LONG time to get comfortable with it. The 396T/XT were complicated at first, too, but they were less complex. uSD issues early on (all fixed), battery problems (fixed by Uniden), problems with favorites list concept (you really want all your systems in one or two FLs at the most; FL != System). By the time ProVoice was offered, I was fairly OK with it. Of course, I'd had it nearly two years by then. It's an OK scanner (now) but given the choice between replacing the 996XT in the car with a 536HP or a 996P2, I'll take the latter in a heartbeat.
I will note that I've had NO RF issues with any of these; all are as sensitive as I need (YMMV). It's all been in the interface and some of the hardware.