Hi Guys, I've been troubled by this broad band of raised noise level between the mid 8MHz to the top end of 11MHz. I've attached three screen dumps, one shows the 8MHz end - a rise in background noise from -110dBm to about 120dBm, the second one at 11.96MHz show the steep drop from -110dBm to -120dBm level, the third the spectrum showing the whole band. Some days, not many, it's not there but it's not necessarily any particular day of the week, but when it's on it's on for 24/7. Unfortunately it's not strong enough to be picked up on a portable and carried around the streets - I may go out to the country with my Kenwood R2000 and a length of wire but I've done experiments like that before and all I get is electric fences ticking away! I know that noise levels as low as this would be a joy to some of you guys in built-up neighbourhoods but it's generally fairly quiet round here.