OK, a little follow-up here:
I connected my Omni-X as well as an ST-2 (both in my attic) to a TV in my office via my multicoupler just to see if they would pick up any TV stations. I am about 50 or so miles outside of the city with a mountain between me and the main location for TV stations so did not expect to get any channels. I was not disappointed, neither provided any channels on a channel scan.
So with the help of a friend I mounted the Omni-X outside on a satellite dish mount, using a 5-foot 1.25 inch diameter plastic pipe as a mast (it fit in the mount perfectly) secured by a pair of stainless steel 5/8 bolts. I painted the antenna's plastic staff with what the can said was "Sky Blue" spray paint and the mast with a color most closely matching that of the side of my house.
Mounted at the peak of the eave on the utility wall of my house it extends a few feet above the roofline. I put white plastic split-loom on the LMR-400 coax as our HOA design guidelines says the "feedline should be painted to match the house color".
The Omni-X is mounted about 5 feet away and about 10 feet higher than it was inside the attic and it made all the difference in the world. Not only can I actually receive a couple TV stations in Phoenix but I can also receive one in Prescott, 70 miles away in the opposite direction but less obstructed by mountains. So I left a lead for the TV connected to the multicoupler in case the HOA comes calling...
As for scanner reception it does work a lot better. I can hear the WX station up in Flagstaff, about 120 miles away and sometimes the one in Tucson 130 miles) as well. I am still evaluating the reception on the various bands but can say that rail, low-band, GMRS/440 ham and VHF high-band stuff is much improved over the attic location. I am hearing a lot more air-band traffic on VHF and more UHF MilAir as well.
If my HOA says anything I can point to the TV reception and let them know that I am considering raising it another 20 feet or so to provide reception of more channels than I have now as I am only getting a couple. I am actually enjoying having OTA TV reception again, some of the stuff has been fun to watch. Of course I am really enjoying the improved scanner reception. So far none of my neighbors have mentioned anything and I am on good terms with them so I don't expect any blowback.
Of course the day I took the pictures was the first cloudy day we have had in months here On a sunny day the shaft does blend pretty well but I am considering painting the radiating elements the same color, the metal finish tends to catch sunlight.
Has anyone found their Omni-X to be directional? I would assume it has some nodes at least. I might pop out the ladder and try rotating it 90 degrees after I have documented some reception patterns and compare notes.
The wire on the side of the mast is the ground, it runs from the in-line lightning surge protector to a ground rod below.