My question relates to my HP2. I reside in Queen Anne"s Co., and for the last 5 years or so monitored fire & EMS talk groups in both Kent & Q.A. Co's. These are on the F.I.R.S.T. system which uses simulcast. I also monitor 2 analog conventional dispatch channels on the same HP 2. My sentinel software is current & checking the RR database, none of the channels are encrypted. Also, it appears there have been no changes to 2 sites involved, Kent simulcast & Q.A. simulcast, & all control freqs are correct & yes the attenuation is off. As mentioned before, the HP2 has always worked well, receiving the trunked signals. However, about 4 to 5 days ago, I noticed the HP was only receiving the analog dispatch signals, nothing on the F.I.R.S.T. Just curious, anyone in the Kent- Q.A. area with an HP 2 encountered this problem ? Replies appreciated. I posted this also on the Uniden forum. Thanks a lot, Puzzled & bewildered