How to install DSD 1.7 on Mac OS X

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Jan 24, 2011
Lubbock, TX
I got DSD 1.7 working on my Macbook Pro running Yosemite. I thought I would write up a quick how to for those who might be interested. There are hints and clues scattered around the web. The best source was Finally got DSD and GQRX working together on OSX : RTLSDR

1. Install Xcode if you don't have it already. This is found in the Mac App store

2. Install Portaudio (PortAudio - an Open-Source Cross-Platform Audio API)
First download the Portaudio .tgz from their download page PortAudio - an Open-Source Cross-Platform Audio API The one I downloaded was "January 30, 2014, SVN rev 1919". Next extract the file.
Now compile the program using the instructions for Mac PortAudio: Building Portaudio for Mac OS X
(Basically all you have to do is open Terminal, change your directory to the Portaudio folder, then run "./configure && make". Check and see if "libportaudio.dylib" is in the directory "usr/local/lib/". Mine wasn't there so I had to run the "make install" command from the Portaudio folder in order to get it to work!)

3. Install Homebrew (Homebrew)
The homepage explains the simple install process. Basically "ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL" "

4. Install DSD
Instructions here

Dependency installation
brew install git cmake libsndfile itpp
brew install --HEAD mbelib

DSD install
git clone # Something like:
cd dsd # Move into source folder
[At this point, copy portaudio.h from the Portaudio folder to the DSD folder before proceeding]
mkdir build # Create build directory
cd build # Move to build directory
cmake .. # Create Makefile for current system
make # Compiles DSD
sudo make install # Installs DSD to the system

5. Run DSD
First check out which audio input and output devices are set up. Type "DSD -a" to see all the options. Figure out which inputs and outputs you want to use. Mine is attached. Since I want to use "Built-in Input" (aka Line In on my computer) I'll use "pa:1" as my input and I want to use "Built-in Output" (aka my laptop's speakers) I'll use "pa:2" as my output. My command to start DSD with these options would end up being "dsd -i pa:1 -o pa:2"

Well that's about all I can think of right now. Hopefully this is helpful to someone or at least saves someone a little bit of time trying to get this set up.


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Oct 1, 2015
Updated Instructions

I've updated your instructions to avoid some deprecated C++ calls in PortAudio when compileing under Yosemite with ver 11 of the XCode SDK. It also simplifies the DSD build and install process as it skips having the user build PortAudio via ./configure and make. Thanks for figuring all this out and sharing it. Homebrew will also automate and install PortAudio as well. Updated instructions follow:

DSD Installation for OSX

1. Install Xcode if you don't have it already.

Download PortAudio and extract it to a folder. Don’t compile it. You only need a header file later on….

2. Install Homebrew (Homebrew)
The homepage explains the simple install process. Basically "ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL" "

3. Install DSD and PortAudio

Terminal commands follow. Pound symbols # are comments:

brew install git cmake libsndfile itpp portaudio
brew install --HEAD mbelib

git clone

cd dsd # Move into source folder
[At this point, copy portaudio.h from the Portaudio folder to the DSD folder before proceeding]
mkdir build # Create build directory
cd build # Move to build directory
cmake .. # Create Makefile for current system….yes, type the two periods as well
make # Compiles DSD
sudo make install # Installs DSD to the system

You have now compiled and installed DSD.

Run it now with the -a switch to see what input/output devices you have on your system.

dsd -a

My system reports this when I run did with the -a switch:

Digital Speech Decoder 1.7.0-dev (build:v1.6.0-86-g7ee04e5)
mbelib version 1.2.5

PortAudio version number = 1899
PortAudio version text = 'PortAudio V19-devel (built Mar 18 2015 08:39:37)'
Number of devices = 2
--------------------------------------- device #0
[ Default Output ]
Name = Speaker (Analog)
Host API = Core Audio
Max inputs = 0, Max outputs = 2
Default sample rate = 48000.00
--------------------------------------- device #1
[ Default Input ]
Name = Microphone (Analog)
Host API = Core Audio
Max inputs = 2, Max outputs = 0
Default sample rate = 48000.00

So if I had a radio hooked to my laptop’s input/output ports, the command line would look like this:

dsd -i pa:1 -o pa:0

Not sure if there’s a virtual audio cable available for Mac like there is for Windows systems, but I assume there is. Once you install DSD, run dsd -a to see what the virtual device numbers are and use its output so that you don’t have to physically hook up a radio to your computer's audio in/out ports.
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