To make a inexpensive programming cable for the Pro-106, Pro-651, all you need is a CP2102 USB to TTL converter (about $5.00) and an old 1/8 inch stereo cable.
Cp2102 TX goes to the "Ring" and the RX goes to the "Tip", ground to ground, 3 wires!
Windows 10 recognized the CP2102 and installed the driver!
If you have an issue with the driver, go to Silicon Graphics and download the driver.
Have fun! It works! I used ARC500 software.
Cp2102 TX goes to the "Ring" and the RX goes to the "Tip", ground to ground, 3 wires!
Windows 10 recognized the CP2102 and installed the driver!
If you have an issue with the driver, go to Silicon Graphics and download the driver.
Have fun! It works! I used ARC500 software.