Plus with FreeScan you cannot enter Phase-2 systems in it, and if you try to use just P25 Standard when changing the Bandplan for a Phase-2 bandplan it tells you 762.00625 is out of range you've been warned... So for us switching to Phase-2 systems very soon it seems FreeScan may not be feasible to use?
The correct system setting would be P25 Standard (Digital XT for both P25 Phase I or Phase II. The same system site setting is applicable to both. There is no specific
P25 Phase II needed, nor is any listed in FreeScan nor ProScan.While I do not have the applicable ARC software installed, it would not have different versions between Phase I or Phase II systems. Neither is such a choice listed when programming manually via the key pad.
For the current P25 trunked systems, FreeSCAN can handle Phase I as well as Phase II.
does not properly handle DMR systems. For DMR Trunked systems, you cannot enter the LCN's for the Site's frequencies When 'reading' from the scanner into the software, the wrong type is set on the imported systems, Motorola 800 Type 2.
FreeSCAN has zero support for NXDN systems.