I-Call, or individual call, is a type of transmission permitted by certain trunked systems which is intended to go from one radio to one radio, instead of from one radio to every other radio that is tuned to that channel (a "group call"). Some trunked systems don't use this feature much or at all but I know that South Brunswick uses it a lot.
The I-Call setting you have adjusted only controls the scanner in ID Search mode. It will not affect the scanner in ID Scan mode. In order to receive I-Calls while scanning, you must program the appropriate ID(s) into the scanner's memory. Since the I-Call ID will depend upon the particular radios that are participating, there will be many different IDs to store and it gets cumbersome.
An alternative is to program in the I-Call Wild Card ID, which takes only one memory slot and will cause the scanner to stop on any I-Call as long as that ID is unlocked. Refer to the
Owner's Manual (PDF), page 69 for EDACS I-Calls. I don't have a 396 or 996; under the 780's older memory scheme, I normally put the I-Call wildcard in a trunking group by itself so I can switch it on/off easily without affecting other talkgroups on the same system.
If you still have trouble receiving SB's I-Calls, post back here and I or someone else will help. I will warn you that DPW is a heavy user of I-Calls so you may want to lock out that ID during weekdays and only switch to it when you have reason to believe a more interesting I-Call is taking place.