I wish Manufacturers made Scanners like this !

Do I want a Scanner with these features ?

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Mar 2, 2011
This Thread is a list of features we would like to see included in Scanners that we purchase and of optional
Extras (not included) that we wish to buy separately from the Scanner Manufacturers (instead of relying on
third Party after-market Suppliers).

Each of these items on this list are suggestions for features that are offered in other electronic devices
and are possible to add to your Product but for some reason are not yet available. We (the Radio Purchaser)
do not object to you offering two or three similar models (basic, extra features, and Super Professional)
and charging even an extra thousand dollars for all the bells and whistles.

Extra features could be added by using "RAM Chip-like modules" that clipped into several RAM Sockets much as
Consumers can add extra RAM Chips to their computer. You could approach other Manufacturers of non-competing
Products (EG: Cell Phone Manufacturers) and ask them for their old LCD (and later LED) Displays and purchase
them at a discount since one mans junk is another man's Treasure and no doubt some companies have a lot of old
stock not used in current Products.

Fortunately the specifications for Scanners can cheat a little over what is offered in "Professional Gear". We
do NOT need extremely high sensitivity or selectivity, extreme frequency stability (the transmissions are short
and we switch channels often), a half dozen IF bandwidths on every Band, 500MHz wide Spectrums, or every possible
feature and frequency in a single unit. A "Birdie Brain" that knew it's own birdies, altered the LO and IF to
remove the birdie, and let the channel work quietly would be more useful to the average Scanner Owner.

Anyone posting ideas in this Thread is giving up their Copyright and Patent Rights, we just want to see some
of these features in the years to come. Consumers are moving towards a "one device does everything" mentality
(again look at Cell Phones and Cell Tabs), no longer do they want to carry a MP3 Player, Computer, Cell Phone,
GPS, Tape Recorder, etc., they want one Device that does it all (or nearly everything). A "Cell Phone Scanner"
would be great, but until they are invented I'll make my own with a hot glue gun.

Features Missing that we wish were included in top of the line Models:
* Cell Phones features minus cellular transmission and reception Example: Samsung Galaxy S2 http://galaxys2.samsungmobile.com/html/specification.html .
* USB 3.0, (later Intel Thunderbolt http://www.intel.com/technology/io/thunderbolt/index.htm ), 'a non-interfering Wireless USB'
(dual "USB IR-Ports") or "Fiber Optic" output (like some Stereos have), and Bluetooth.
* Two (or more) Tuners for either: 1. "True Priority", 2. to allow recording one channel and listening to another,
3. double fast scanning of all Objects, 4. Scan with one, sweep with the other, 5. Scan and 'think' with one Tuner
while the other Tuner continues (if the first decides not to pause then the Scanner won't hesitate). Even a five
band Comb-Filter that could 'look backwards' while sweeping (or scanning sorted channels) would speed things up.
* "Warble Detection" (with priority if we had two or more tuners) to flash LED and switch on recorder if a 'warble' (alternating two
tone alert for Emergencies) is detected.
* Frequency / tone / warble Decoder display (show the frequency of the tones) like this http://www.optoelectronics.com/cd100.htm .
* A "PVR PTT" on the side (looks like a handheld's "PTT switch") that replays the last few seconds AND records the
current Transmissions while you listen to the old Transmission; the new Transmission plays back using "shorten"
to 'catch up' to the real-time Transmissions as quickly as possible (should not take a few minutes unless very busy channel).
* Bigger LCD (using "Cell Phone" LCD with 320x240 or greater resolution) with "Color Themes" and for better Bandscopes, or
"ICOP Digital, Inc. mobile video http://www.ICOP.com/", SSTV / TV / wireless Camera display like this:
http://www.optoelectronics.com/videosweeper.htm or AOR's AR8600MKIIB.
* Two stereo (usually mono) micro speakers with excellent quality sound like SOME Cell Phones have. Option to use one
speaker per tuner like PiP LCD Television (listen to two things at once).
* 2 MIMO Antennas for beam forming as implemented by Marvell in their Avastar 88w8797 chip for handhelds
http://www.marvell.com/products/wireless/marvell_avastar_88w8797.pdf or at the very least diversity like
ICOM IC-2820H http://www.icomamerica.com/en/products/amateur/dstar/2820h/default.aspx .
* GPS Chip inside the Scanner. Location Based Scanning. Record GPS waypoints with frequency use detection. Use two
antennas with two tuners and GPS to give low-quality (ambiguous) direction finding.
* Whole front face is a combo touchscreen / TV / Video Player (from memory card) / keypad but still three (or four) "Soft-keys"
at bottom. Shows GPS Maps from Memory Card.
* RF Notch / Hi/LO Bandpass Filter (per frequency) to block problems and allow every channel to work as best it can.
* Digitally controlled Audio Filter ("Tone Eliminator" / "Auto-Notch") with individual Channel Volume and Graphic Equalizer for best
sound on every channel (does not affect baseband, only audio output - so digital can still be decoded).
* Frequency sorting (in memory) for faster scanning.
* 'Benchmarker Helper' - Help file Tells which Features will slow the scanning speed or cause pauses in the scanning (like
DPL/PL/CTCSS/DCS Tones, WAT Priority, out of order frequencies / Trunks) and a scrollable list of Objects that have the worst offenders set.
* 2nd IF output (IQ Output, NOT a "discriminator tap") 10.7 MHz IF ouput connection to a quality connector (EG: SMA/B/C,
MMCX, etc.) (EG: http://www.alinco.com/Products/DJ-X11 Alinco DJ-X11E/T) for external Bandscope, Spectrum Analyzer or external DSP processing.
* Manufacturers identification codes (MFID) display and lockout.
* Extended coverage with reduced performance.
* Faster Scanning and Searching over 100 Channels / second (especially when frequencies are sorted). Bandscope Scanning
(use Comb Filter) or FFT like AOR SR200A http://www.aorusa.com/receivers/sr2000a.html .
* Resume when end of transmission tone is detected (some last over 2 seconds).
* Programmable Service Search - User programmed frequencies or search ranges for searching common bands like police,
fire, weather, itinerant, etc. NOT only the pre-programed ones.
* Interest Groups - Check twice an hour (for 5 minutes) automatically to see if something is going on OR when added to the
scan list then scan for an hour (along with the rest of the scan groups) and delete from scan list (go back to hourly checking)
if inactive for five minutes - allows larger scan lists with quicker scan times.
* Hole in side for 'Cable Lock' like Laptops have.
* Touch-plate (like a laptop mousepad) for pause, scan, lockout. Handy while driving and useful if scanner is in a case. User
programmable Touch-plate "buttons".
* Music play / fade-in. Like cellphones have so you can listen to music while waiting for a call. Music resumes from 4 seconds
before where it left off (with fade-in) after channel quietens.
* Waterproof to FIVE feet (a touchscreen could help, my Cellular phone works underwater) (EG Icom
http://www.icomamerica.com/en/products/marine/handhelds/m24/default.aspx IC-M24). At the very least Scanners MUST be
water _resistant_ so you can use them in the driven rain and not require non-warranty repairs.
* Base stations with 2 (or 3) Antenna connectors (not MIMO) for different Antennas depending upon the Band used Example:
http://radiopics.com/Regency/Regency_Turbo%20Scan%202.htm . It is a very old idea.
* Portables with 1 Antenna connector (or two if MIMO) that automatically matches for different Antennas (other than the stock
duck) (like active or voltage probe antennas) depending upon the Band used.
* Fully adjustable search / sweep step size for increasing speed by jumping channel to channel instead of 5MHz (or less) at a time.
* Base / Mobile Stations with single "DIN mount" (ISO 7736) sized case and removable faceplate (separation Kit) for theft
prevention like http://www.yaesu.com/ FTM-350R or ICOM's IC-2820H.
* Portable that is '3/4 DIN' (ISO 7736) thick with touch screen and "flip face". When the face is flipped it slides into a "1/2 DIN
Pocket for mobile use. A mobile and portable in one.
* all mode AM/FM/WFM/SSB/CW (BFO for SSB/CW receive) (and Morse Code / RTTY Decoder).
* Power-Saver Mode (slower CPU clock and lower Performance with extended Battery life) and Performance-Mode (with overclocking,
enhanced filtering and amplification with reduced Battery life)
* Verbose Newbie mode will show on Display press Button "X" to enter frequencies, now press Button "Y" to save as "priority scan"
or press Button "Z" to save to "scan list", etc.
* Memo taker records time, frequency, GPS location and short recording of User's voice along with ten seconds of the
transmission. Stores on memory card, playback on Scanner or save to PC.
* Frequency Counter mode ('deaf sweeper' (less than 2 feet) will sweep extremely fast and go digit by digit until it reaches the
last one, all in a 1/10 second like a frequency counter)
* Radio Control over IP. Scanner produces a Web Page (like some Wireless Routers do) that other People can use to "vote" on
which Channel they want to listen to remotely via the Internet. The Scanner's Owner still maintains full control.
* Support rechargeable Lithium Ion Batteries (like Cell Phones) as well as Alkaline, Ni-Cd and Ni-Mh charging profiles. Allow Battery
to be removed for ten seconds to allow 'Hot Battery swapping' (Scanner can sleep but must resume).
* Ability to add any Bank (or GRE style "V-Channel") to the Scan List (with once every 15 minute checking mode to shorten scan
time for huge lists) as opposed to choosing one Bank and then not using any other.
* Second Channel Indicator - If there is activity on one Channel if would be great if the Display could flash an Icon to indicate activity
on a second Channel. Examples of usefulness: You listen to the "Repeater Output" and want to check a "Repeater Input" Channel to
know if that is in use also. Another example is when you hear activity on one Channel you want to check another to know if they are
using a "Handheld-to-Car" Repeater, or detect "Talkaround" is in use. Like a 'Repeater Finder Tool' for LTR systems but usable with
any two (or more would be better) Channels.
* See these Radios for more suggestions Icom IC-R9500 http://www.icomamerica.com/en/products/receivers/tabletop/r9500/default.aspx ,
Vertex / Yaesu VR-5000 http://www.yaesu.com/indexVS.cfm?cmd=DisplayProducts&ProdCatID=103&encProdID=4101F0E6F790310D97AA88D73437C52D ,
AOR SR200A http://www.aorusa.com/receivers/sr2000a.html , AOR AR-Alpha http://www.aorusa.com/receivers/ar-alpha.html , others.

Continued next post.


Mar 2, 2011
Support for more Protocols:
* Support most modes like MPT, PassPort, Advanced Train Control System, SCA, FSK, RTTY, FAX, Pager data.
* Radio over IP (RoIP), an expanded version of VoIP, transmitting the radio control signals such as PTT and COR in digital
format in addition to the digital voice packets.
* Project 25, Tetrapol, and EDACS® (Enhanced Digital Access Communications System) Aegis™ FDMA systems.
* TETRA, DIMRS (Digital Integrated Mobile Radio System or Motorola IDEN™), and IDRA (Integrated Digital Radio) TDMA systems.
* IDAS NXDN™ common air interface, 6.25kHz spacing, RoIP, EG: Icom F5061D series.
* ADS-B (Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast) radar signals http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automatic_dependent_surveillance-broadcast
* SmarTrunk
* OpenSky
* MPT-1327
* Type II SmartZone OmniLink
* GE Mark V
* Ericsson GE
* User programmable Protocols so you can add new Protocols before the Scanner Manufacturer develops EPROMM Code.
* PC/IF (here "IF" means "interface" and not "intermediate frequency") of Packets (for Protocol Programs on the Home Computer).
* SDM (Short Data Message) (EG: ICOM iF70DT/DS)
* AIS (Automatic Identification System) Ships (Frequency 161.975/162.025MHz)
* Radiosondes - instruments that measure temperature pressure and humidity in the air.
* ACARS (Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System) with VDL Mode 2 support.
* Large list here http://www.hoka.com/tech_info/systems/index.htm or http://www.hoka.com/code300-32/v_308.pdf

Features that are only partially implemented in Scanners, Communications Receivers or with external Program, we would
like the manufacturers to go a step further:
* Dual 64GB Memory Card support to store settings and record receptions (and channel / GPS/ etc.) with optional "shorten
compression" (removes gaps) with an external Slot for quick changes (no removing batteries to get at the Card).
* USB 3.0 Portable Hard Drive like ioSafe's http://www.hddfiresafe.com/iosafe/rugged-portable-hard-drive.html
* Smaller size but still less than an inch and a quarter thickness (or even smaller like Alinco DJ-X7T/E http://www.alinco.com/Products/DJ-X7/
or DJ-C7T/E http://www.alinco.com/Products/DJC7/ ).
* Password protection for: turn on (boot password), change settings (keyboard lock, except scan / manual), see frequencies (privacy),
and dump / cloning (privacy).
* Slaved Scan PLUS, allow two Scanners to cooperate for double scan speed (without locking to the same channel), and
double memory / priorities / Trunk Tracking channel capacity, etc. See also: http://wiki.radioreference.com/index.php/SlavedScan .
* Master / slave Oscillator capability for frequency & phase coherency (EG: AOR AR-One-C http://www.aorusa.com/receivers/ar-one.html )
using a TCVCXO PLL synthesizer that offers wide fan-out capability for distribution of the clock signal copies.
* Use dual-core Processor and Dual/Quad core DSP for speed (place more of the 'main scanning program' into the DSP when it is not in use
(not on a channel)) and Processors with more memory; well worth the extra $20.

Features than some Scanners or other electronic devices have that we could have in all Scanners:
* Scrollable Lockout List - so you can review only the lockouts and decide to unlock them.
* Negative dropout delays – resume scanning after the selected time to keep the scanner from hanging on stuck mics
or other continuous transmissions.
* A "Digital" Clock that is tiny in the corner of the display and full screen after 15 seconds of silence.
* Intermediate Frequency Exchange - changes the IF used for a selected frequency to help avoid image and other
mixer-product interference on a frequency.
* Channel/ID Alert - Allows you to set the scanner to alert you if certain channels or IDs are received.
* Bandscope - Band Scope Mode searches a frequency range and displays a graphic of the signal level in real time. (this is NOT a Spectrum Analyzer).
* Police Alert - Alerts you to transmissions from 'mobile extender' radios, Traffic Radar, and MDTs within about 3 miles from the scanner.
* Fire Toneout - A feature that allows your scanner can be set up to monitor fire tone-outs that use standard two-tone sequential paging.
* Race Track Operation - Race systems allow you to program cars (by car number), program drivers for the cars (by name),
program multiple frequencies (and PL/DPL, attenuation, receive mode, priority, and alert/tone settings) for each car and driver,
and assign the car a quick key (0-9, just like a group quick key for a regular system).
* Channel Hit Counter - Counts the number of times a channel has been received. Should optionally be shown on the main
display without having to dig for it. Should be usable for "de-prioritizing" Scan Lists to check less frequently.
* Reversed Display for night time dashboard HUD use.

Extra cost Options from the Manufacturer (so they MATCH the Scanner, like Motorola's Accessories) instead of going
to 3rd Parties and getting all different colors:
* Hard Leather Case with 'sheep wool' inside to survive drops of 6 feet (better than Scannermaster's
Case: http://www.scannermaster.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=01-581217 ).
* More Antenna choices other than the stock 'duck'. A selection of HH, Mobile, and Tower Antennas would be
better for us and more revenue for the Manufacturer.
* More headphone, earplug choices. Bluetooth. Bone conduction.
* A one line channel / frequency display on the Cable (like some Radio / Cellphone headsets have with volume controls) would be great.
* Scanner Stands with and without Speakers. Vehicle Mounts with quick detach. A 'click-in' for the night time Dashboard HUD mode.
* Cable lock / Desk Lock, like Laptops have.
* Chargers for Auto / Home / Solar.
* Vehicle In-dash mounting kit.
* Remote-Control with "manual" and "scan" Buttons (two Buttons on the face and with up to four Buttons on the side to
use independently with up to four Scanners)

Please feel free to add a REASONABLE Post to this list or ask a sensible question about what has been posted.

Do NOT suggest: Receive Cell Phone Signals (most are encrypted an it is illegal in many places), Decryption (difficult
and usually illegal), wash dishes (a stupid suggestion).

Remember that your suggestion (usually) has to fit inside the Case and needs to be something that enough People
would want and actually pay for so (full sized) CD Players are out but mini-CD or mini-Blu-Ray are OK but perhaps
less practical than we are hoping for (you could use a 64GB Memory Card instead). If the most you would ever pay
for a Scanner is less than $200 then perhaps you could refrain from posting at all and save the space for others.

Please use the Search Engines to find a link to an example of what you are suggesting if you feel it would make
your suggestions clearer. Please check your spelling and re-read your Post with "Preview" before you post.

PS: I am including a Drawing of a suggested layout for a Super-Scanner. In the event that the Drawing is unclear about
some of the features I will attempt to explain some of them, exactly how it will work is up to the future Manufacturer.

* Minimal protuberances, only the Antennas, the Volume Control and (very slightly) the Squelch; everything else is
under-surface mounted (and offset from the Screen's internals).
* Antennas flip 90 degrees to allow the Scanner to slide into the Case or to flip up for DF operation. Both Antennas are
removable and replaceable or external Antennas can be used.
* On-board gyro allows two MIMO Antennas to provide very reasonable (but not perfect) DF capabilities.
* Scanner can be rotated 90 degrees and is usable in either orientation and nearly as usable in it's Case. Displays can
be reconfigured (customized) to show different info in chosen locations.
* Soft-key operation (not a Touch Screen) could use two displays side by side for lower cost (one Display is depicted
showing Frequencies, Google Maps, Spectrum, and MDT, the other also shows a 'Radio-Magnetic-Indicator like' Direction Finder).
* Soft-keys used for all operations (assuming a touchscreen is not available) to allow alpha-numeric entry for Frequency entry and tagging.
* Screen is drawn as 6.58in x 2.59in so 2 5:4 ratio Displays should work or we need an Extra Wide XGA Format -- two
WXGA (1280x768) or WSVGA (1024×600 or 1024×576) or FWVGA (854×480) Screens for lower cost (See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graphic_display_resolutions).
* Big enough to do a lot yet small enough to hold in one hand and comfortably use two-handed also. Usable as Base / Mobile or Portable.
* Stereo / Mono Earphone / Headset Jack (dual VFOs can be set to use each Speaker channel individualy of either one muted).
* Tiny Cell Phone Stereo Speakers for excellent quality and loud audio.
* Recording Jack that provides constant level (8mV @ 1kOhms) audio output for Tape Recorder or Computer Sound Card. It is unaffected by Volume Control.
* Computer Control Jack (with published interfacing Instructions). "OpenHardware Format", uses popular x86 Mobile Microprocessor
for user reprogramability (out of warranty).
* Jack for 12vDC for direct use with Automotive Lighter Plug or 12vDC Wall Adapter to charge dual Cell Phone Lithium Batteries
(or TEN AAA NiMH Batteries) for long life portable use.
* Laptop style locking cable slot. Password for Bootup and Screen-saver along with Cable Lock make theft pointless.
* Old style rotating wheel Squelch Control separate from Volume Control.
* Lots of under-surface mounted connectors to attach extra features for greater functionality.
* Ports for Dual USB which supports Flash Drives or Ether-over-USB or Computer connection,
* Dual Compact Flash or SDXC Card Slots (64GB each capacity)
* Separate outputs for Discriminator, Intermediate Frequency and I/Q Constellation Output, Oscillator Master-Slave
output / input for external DF synchronization and Composite Video output for external (higher resolution) Monitor.
* Double stitched Leather Case with 1/4 open top, 1/4 open front and Video Camera port keeps most of Scanner protected.
Remove it from Case for full functionality.

If you would like a Scanner like this you are welcome to Vote. Maybe the Manufacturers will hear our request.



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Premium Subscriber
Apr 26, 2006
Bryan, Texas
Judging by the image you posted, I think it might be a little too complicated. My suggestions (for a handheld scanner):

--Full-color touch screen (like the HP-1)
--Expandable memory via SD card
--Be able to assign both a PL/DPL code and a NAC code to a single conventional channel that operates in "mixed-mode".
--Have a customizable scan list that scans only the channels you select (without having to lock out everything else). This could be done by having some sort of "drag-and-drop" feature.
--P25 Phase II decoding
--Longer text tags for channels/systems
--More than 1000 TGs per trunked system
--Audible alert tone when a new TG is found in ID Search mode
--Rugged, waterproof design
--Power: 2 or 4 AA batteries

Barring the touch-screen, the scanner could still have a color screen and use a slide-out keypad like those found on some cell phones. This feature could prevent any unintentional pressing of keys. The customizable scan lists would be created by scrolling through a combined channel list and selecting the channels the user wants to monitor. Otherwise, the scanner would scan just like normal.


Mar 7, 2009
How long would this thing run on batteries, its quite colorful.
I would pass on it since one of the features I want seems to be frowned on.


Database Admin
Dec 19, 2002
Ontario, Canada
I'd just like to see MDC-1200 support. Something as simple as this you would think would have been picked up ages ago.


Dec 19, 2002
In my experience as a scanner hobbyist I've come to find that no matter how sophisticated a scanner is, no matter how many bells and whistles it has, 5 minutes after a new scanners release someone somewhere is saying'" Yeah , but wouldn't it be great if it had..........". I've been involved in this hobby since 1972, My first scanner was an old radio shack crystal controlled Patrolman. It's always the same, no matter how good it is, it's never good enough. I'm not sniping mind you, all of these suggestions are great, but then, who could afford it? Just my humble opinion.


Mar 16, 2006
Cleveland, OH
Still would like a big BASE station receiver. I know: at least two threads on this in the last few years, and the consensus is "never again".


Mar 2, 2011
In my experience as a scanner hobbyist I've come to find that no matter how sophisticated a scanner is, no matter how many bells and whistles it has, 5 minutes after a new scanners release someone somewhere is saying'" Yeah , but wouldn't it be great if it had..........". I've been involved in this hobby since 1972, My first scanner was an old radio shack crystal controlled Patrolman. It's always the same, no matter how good it is, it's never good enough. I'm not sniping mind you, all of these suggestions are great, but then, who could afford it? Just my humble opinion.

In reference to your Post and that of a couple of others I think these points address your concerns:

* User programmable Protocols so you can add new Protocols before the Scanner Manufacturer develops EPROMM Code.
* Computer Control Jack (with published interfacing Instructions). "OpenHardware Format", uses popular x86 Mobile Microprocessor
for user reprogramability (out of warranty).

The first point would allow many Users to program a new Protocol much like one would program a Trunking system. You would specify that the first "X" number of bits were for "this" and the next "Y" number of bits were for "that", etc.

The second point would allow "User Groups" to fix what was 'broken' (in the minds of a majority of the people, other than the Manufacturer's employees) and simply reprogram the Computer-Radio much as we reprogram our Desktop/Laptop Computer-no-Radio now.

Instead of having a Desktop/Laptop with an external SDR and doing all the hard work yourself you would be able to purchase a Netbook-like device with a SDR built-in and a 'really-great' software Package already installed by the Manufacturer.

If that were not enough then a few people could fix it for the rest of us since all the hardware would be there and only a new (FREE) Program would be required.

It is like going to the Store, buying a Computer and using it as-is OR loading your own choice of Software onto it (or getting someone else to help you do that). Many millions of people do this all the time, it is quite simple.

> I'm not sniping mind you, all of these suggestions are great, but then, who could afford it?

A versatile Radio that would serve the needs of many (Scanner enthusiasts, Hams, SAR, Military, etc.) would give reason for more people to purchase it and thus allow the cost to be reduced. Look at how great a Cell Phone you can buy for $500 (no Plan) and all the "non-Phone" features it offers.

Things cost more when they first come out but then the price comes down. There are PLENTY of receivers for more than $2K and a few for more than $10K.

You could say the same thing about Uniden's HomePatrol (there is another Thread for that) they think their idea will make scanning popular and I think my ideas (or at least most and not all of them) will make such a device popular; thus cheaper and user supported.

It could be the last Radio you would need to buy for 10-20 years (or more, assuming you don't drop it) or until they invent a new form of radio transmission that no current radio could receive (and this one could not be re-programmed to intercept) but how likely or practical is that.

Like they say about HomePatrol, this is not for everyone and maybe not for you. You may well get by with an Analog non-Trunking Scanner for under $100 and live the rest of your life happier, easier, and richer.

Thanks for your comments everyone, we will see what the future will bring but I doubt it will be fewer features that are less capable than the current offerings.
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