This is indeed pretty slick. Is it true that the audio is either routed to the internal speaker or a Bluetooth headset or both but not through your iPhone/iPad?
So I'm able to get the iphone paired with the ICOM BT-003, however I'm not able to get it to work. I'm getting a " Failed to get Radio Model" when I access the to Control Icon , I get a pop up screen on the iphone - Error - Bluetooth is not connected . First connect to a Receiver.
Bluetooth settings on iphone says I'm connected and the R30 shows it's also connected - Any settings I can check or adjust to make things work?
Try forgetting the BT-003 connection in your iPhone Bluetooth settings and relaunch the Icom app and follow the onscreen instructions. You need to do the scan and pairing sequence within the app while going into the Bluetooth settings on your R30 and selecting the correct mode as prompted in the app.
Please don’t be sorry, level of education or ones expertise could always learn something from someone, no matter where they are on the totem pole. My other thought is to update to the new firmware release and give that a ride, I usually hold off on installing new firmware as soon as it comes out. We all probably have some war stories on that subjectI will keep you in the loop and again thanks to you and this lovely forum.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
So after many unsuccessful attempts I did a full reset of the R30 and reinstalled the app. I finally got it to work but still not clear how. LOL
I have an Android S7 and wanted a dedicated phone to use with my drones. So I picked up a prepaid Straight Talk iphone 6 with 32GB from Wal-Mart for 179.00. I can use this for both hobbies without interruptions and have a backup phone for emergencies.
Okay guys, what's the trick to getting audio out on the iphone ?
The App is running fine and I do hear audio coming from the speaker on the R30.
Thanks again for everyone's help.
Going to try the Android version on my aging but beloved Galaxy Note tablet today too.