ICOM PCR Web Controlled Receiver

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Scan New England Janitor/Maintenance
Database Admin
Oct 27, 2002
Marstons Mills, Cape Cod, Massachusetts
I'm trying to set this up and quite honestly I can't tell whether it's connecting to my PCR1000 at all.

I've followed the instructions to the letter and I can connect to http://localhost/PCR as well as connecting to across my LAN and seeing the interface. I can turn the "power" on (I'm assuming the PCR1000 must be on at all times or it won't work) and the power light turns green. However, I'm not hearing any audio being passed and I have no idea if I'm actually controlling the radio or not. Frequency tuning is bizarre. I "think" I have it tuned to the local NOAA Weather frequency of 162.550 but I'm not even seeing any signal level.

My questions:

1. In section 4 (Apache Tomcat) section you indicate that when I edit server.xml I should see 3 places where 8080 appears. I found only 2 and changed both of them to 80. At the top of that file the server port setting reads 8005. Should that be changed to 80?

2. I was able to install the service.bat file from the command line using the path to the file followed by the word install. Is that the correct way to do it?

3. I set the service to automatically start. There is a listing both in the Extended and Standard sections of the Service application. I take it both need to be set to automatic? I had a very hard time getting the service to start on reboot.

4. Is there a way to make frequency entry easier? I have to type 162550000 to get the display to appear as 162,550. Could you build in a MHz or KHz option? The help file shows a decimal point in it, which I absolutely can't make work.

5. How exactly do I configure server.conf for the default sound card? I'm not sure of the exact wording to type in. I see that I can change this when connected under the options button, but it doesn't seem to make any difference when I do it there.

6. Given that I'm using a PCR1000 I don't require any USB drivers. I am able to communicate with the PCR1000 using TalkPCR. Again I have no way of telling right now whether your app is connecting to it or not. I am trying to use COM4. I would think that would be an acceptable serial port.

Sorry for so many questions, but this seems like a nifty interface and I'd love to get it working. Thanks.


Scan New England Janitor/Maintenance
Database Admin
Oct 27, 2002
Marstons Mills, Cape Cod, Massachusetts
No idea what I'm doing wrong, but I absolutely can't keep the Apache Tomcat service running. It starts, runs 2 seconds and then stops, so now I can't even connect to the PCRServer at all. Do I need to add an environment variable for CATALINA_HOME also? One error message I saw led me to believe that I did, but it made no difference.


Jul 15, 2008
No idea what I'm doing wrong, but I absolutely can't keep the Apache Tomcat service running. It starts, runs 2 seconds and then stops, so now I can't even connect to the PCRServer at all. Do I need to add an environment variable for CATALINA_HOME also? One error message I saw led me to believe that I did, but it made no difference.
Hi @scancapecod,
Yes, you need to define environment variable. (I'm using XP)
1-Please right click MY COMPUTER icon
2-Please Click PROPERTIES
3-Please Click ADVANCED tab
4-Please Click ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES button.
5-Please Click NEW button
6-At the NEW USER VARIABLE window fill like:
Variable name: JAVA_HOME
Variable value : C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_22
Variable Value is the full path of the JDK that you install before. Please check your path. It may different.




Scan New England Janitor/Maintenance
Database Admin
Oct 27, 2002
Marstons Mills, Cape Cod, Massachusetts
JAVA_HOME is configured. I'm using XP Pro 32 bit Service Pack 3. The service absolutely will not stay running no matter what I do. I have no idea what I did to make it stay running the first time other than going back and forth between the extended and standard tabs in the Services section of Computer Management and forcing them on.

Like I said, they run for 2 seconds and stop.

I added in a CATALINA_HOME environment variable, which is what I was asking about above. I understand that JAVA_HOME is necessary.



Jul 15, 2008
JAVA_HOME is configured. I'm using XP Pro 32 bit Service Pack 3. The service absolutely will not stay running no matter what I do. I have no idea what I did to make it stay running the first time other than going back and forth between the extended and standard tabs in the Services section of Computer Management and forcing them on.

Like I said, they run for 2 seconds and stop.

I added in a CATALINA_HOME environment variable, which is what I was asking about above. I understand that JAVA_HOME is necessary.

Are you running another application which is using port 80? Could you please check it?
I did not add CATALINA_HOME environment variable on my working setup.


Scan New England Janitor/Maintenance
Database Admin
Oct 27, 2002
Marstons Mills, Cape Cod, Massachusetts
Nothing else running on port 80, no. I've got to head out for a while but I'll try again later. I may try it on another computer to see if it works there. I'll follow up after. Thanks for your help.


Jul 15, 2008
1. In section 4 (Apache Tomcat) section you indicate that when I edit server.xml I should see 3 places where 8080 appears. I found only 2 and changed both of them to 80. At the top of that file the server port setting reads 8005. Should that be changed to 80
Snip from my XML file:

<!-- A "Connector" represents an endpoint by which requests are received
and responses are returned. Documentation at :
Java HTTP Connector: /docs/config/http.html (blocking & non-blocking)
Java AJP Connector: /docs/config/ajp.html
APR (HTTP/AJP) Connector: /docs/apr.html
Define a non-SSL HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 80
<Connector port="80" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
redirectPort="8443" />
<!-- A "Connector" using the shared thread pool-->
<Connector executor="tomcatThreadPool"
port="80" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
redirectPort="8443" />

I did not change the:
<Server port="8005" shutdown="SHUTDOWN"
I left it 8005 on my working setup

2. I was able to install the service.bat file from the command line using the path to the file followed by the word install. Is that the correct way to do it?
I run it from command promt like:
service.bat install

3. I set the service to automatically start. There is a listing both in the Extended and Standard sections of the Service application. I take it both need to be set to automatic? I had a very hard time getting the service to start on reboot.

I'm using it as manual start and manual stop

How exactly do I configure server.conf for the default sound card? I'm not sure of the exact wording to type in. I see that I can change this when connected under the options button, but it doesn't seem to make any difference when I do it there.

click OPTIONS button
Chose audio device from list. (Chose one of them when you hear voice)


Last edited:


Nov 21, 2010
In fact, the only line that really needs to be changed in server.xml is:

<Connector port="80" protocol="HTTP/1.1"

The rest doesn't matter.

The variable JAVA_HOME is only needed to install the Tomcat service.
The variable CATALINA_HOME is not needed at all.

You could try deleting all the files under the log directory, start the service and wait for it to stop and then have a look to the files that have been created. usually the file jakarta_service_[date].log should tell you what is happening. Also check catalina.[date].log.

And of course, did you try reinstalling Tomcat?

If yu get it running again, follow the comments from ta3as to find out the proper audio device. It is almost impossible for the software to guess the proper audio device because the name varies with the OS, language and other devices that may have installed.

When you were able to power on the application, did you try to activate the bandscope and see if you were receiving something?

Cheers and good luck.


Scan New England Janitor/Maintenance
Database Admin
Oct 27, 2002
Marstons Mills, Cape Cod, Massachusetts
I removed Apache Tomcat and then reinstalled everything from that point. After that the service stayed running and I was able to connect to http://localhost/PCR successfully.

However, I still could not see any signal strength from a local weather broadcasting station that is full scale. It was confirmed working with the same PCR1000 via the stock Icom software. Your bandscope showed nothing, nor did any signal strength show on the S meter. There was some indication of audio being received initially but nothing intelligible (see below for why, not related to your application).

I also found that if I powered down the interface I could not get it to turn back on without exiting the web browser and running it again.

Then, the kicker...the audio section of the PCR1000 failed outright, which was an unfortunate coincidence. It needs to go back to Icom for repair. Given that this setup apparently will not work with a PCR100 receiver I guess I'm all done testing for now.


Nov 21, 2010
I am so sorry for the problem that you got. Sound strange because, in fact, I am using the command set from the PCR1000. I guess that your problem was in the communication through the serial port, which is indeed different from PCR1500 and PCR2500. And the audio section problem, well...I hope that's not too bad.



Nov 21, 2010
Given the good welcome of that application, I am going to create a distribution list for the people who wish to be updated of new versions. So, if you are interested, just drop me an email at pcr@hipotenusa.net and I will include you in my list. That will be a private list: no spam, no advertisements...



Nov 21, 2010
Hi there,

I am releasing today a new version of PCR AnyWhere (remote control of Icom IC-PCR scanners through web interface). It is now at version 1.2 and it contains some small improvements and fixes:

- Accelerated Aoki data loading by transferring in zip format.
- Enlarged the list of audio devices to be able guessing which is the correct one.
- Added selector of frequency in Hz or kHz.
- Normalized the frequency display and input so that it doesn't depend on the regional settings.
- The AF level and mute controls now control the audio at the client side.

The new version is available for testing at PCR AnyWhere

There is also a new version of the download and set up instructions, including a new section for the upgrade to this new version at PCR AnyWhere - Setup instructions

I hope that you will enjoy it.




Scan New England Janitor/Maintenance
Database Admin
Oct 27, 2002
Marstons Mills, Cape Cod, Massachusetts
My PCR1000 is fine after all. No audio issue. However, I just tried configuring this on a completely different computer with the upgraded software...unfortunately with the exact same results as described above. As far as I can tell I am following the instructions exactly as they are shown.


Scan New England Janitor/Maintenance
Database Admin
Oct 27, 2002
Marstons Mills, Cape Cod, Massachusetts
As you stated above my problem does primarily seem to be serial port in nature. You state that you're using the PCR1000 command set, which makes it even stranger. Not sure why it's not working. I am getting some audio out of the PC's speakers now when connected via localhost but not from another PC on the same LAN. However, there just doesn't seem to be any control over the radio. Again I tested with the stock Icom software and was immediately able to connect to and control the receiver.

On the current computer I'm using I'm running Windows 7 Home Premium 32 bit. I've gone through the install about 6 times to ensure that I didn't miss anything, and I've referred to TA3AS's comments above. The only thing that I don't have to do for this installation is install any USB port drivers, as it's a PCR1000 and the computer has serial ports installed (using COM3 in this case).

I'm baffled. I can experiment indefinitely with this computer though so hopefully I'll make it work eventually. The other computer was a dedicated scanner feed server.

Looking forward to any additional input you might have. Thanks!


Nov 21, 2010
Hi Scott,

I'll try helping you if you wish. The setup procedure and instructions are not straight forward as I only have access to my own installation. Anyway, I may tell you that it is already working in 3 different sites.

I would like to get a debug of what is going on. Please follow the steps below:

- Open the web application.
- You will see the Java icon on your system tray. Right click on it and select 'open console'. You will get the Java console.
- On the application interface, left click once on the word 'RECORD'. In this way, you are activating the debug feature. You will start seeing messages in the console.
- Now, open the options panel and press the button 'Get Radio Server configuration'.
- Select the serial port and audio device that may correspond to your Icom.
- Close the options panel.
- Press the power button. You will get nothing, as before, I guess.
- Click again on the word 'RECORD' to stop debugging.
- On the console window, press the option button 'Copy' to copy all the debug to the clipboard.
- Close the application.
- Paste the debug on a text file and send it to me. I'll have a look.



Scan New England Janitor/Maintenance
Database Admin
Oct 27, 2002
Marstons Mills, Cape Cod, Massachusetts
Had some trouble copying this stuff. It seems that some of the characters aren't transferrable, especially in the second file. I had to copy and paste what I believe to be the pertinent data for the second file. Both files are attached.

first.txt - This is the first time that I start the interface by clicking the power button. It appears to connect to the PCR1000 and I hear static through the speakers if I turn up the volume, but no signal at all.

second.txt - This is after I click on the power button and then try restarting it again.

Hopefully this sheds some light. Thanks for your help.


  • first.txt
    2.5 KB · Views: 241
  • second.txt
    80 bytes · Views: 207


Nov 21, 2010
Hi Scott,

I guess that I found a big difference between PCR1500/2500 and PCR1000. They can both communicate at 38400 bps with the computer but when the PCR1000 starts it uses by default 9600 bps while the others use 38400, which I use by default.

The application was talking at 38400 while the PCR1000 was at 9600 and this is why you were getting strange responses in the debug.

I am preparing a new update of the software with which you will be able to set up the initial baud rate in the file server.conf. Please give me some time to do that.



Scan New England Janitor/Maintenance
Database Admin
Oct 27, 2002
Marstons Mills, Cape Cod, Massachusetts
Ah, I had that in the back of my mind from the start, as I didn't see anyplace to set a baud rate. That makes perfect sense. I'll look forward to trying the update when you have it ready. Thanks very much.


Nov 21, 2010
I made a new version (v1.3) which includes support for baud rates different than 38400 at the start up of the communications. You can download it from the usual download page PCR AnyWhere - Setup instructions

After downloading and installing the servlet you have to open the file server.conf and change the line which says DEFAULTBAUDRATE=38400 by 9600.

That baudrate is used just to ask to the scanner to change to 38400. The rest of the communication is made at 38400.

This version is not well tested because I don't have a PCR1000. Please have a look and let me know. If you still have problems, please send me some debug.

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