I'm trying to set this up and quite honestly I can't tell whether it's connecting to my PCR1000 at all.
I've followed the instructions to the letter and I can connect to
http://localhost/PCR as well as connecting to across my LAN and seeing the interface. I can turn the "power" on (I'm assuming the PCR1000 must be on at all times or it won't work) and the power light turns green. However, I'm not hearing any audio being passed and I have no idea if I'm actually controlling the radio or not. Frequency tuning is bizarre. I "think" I have it tuned to the local NOAA Weather frequency of 162.550 but I'm not even seeing any signal level.
My questions:
1. In section 4 (Apache Tomcat) section you indicate that when I edit server.xml I should see 3 places where 8080 appears. I found only 2 and changed both of them to 80. At the top of that file the server port setting reads 8005. Should that be changed to 80?
2. I was able to install the service.bat file from the command line using the path to the file followed by the word install. Is that the correct way to do it?
3. I set the service to automatically start. There is a listing both in the Extended and Standard sections of the Service application. I take it both need to be set to automatic? I had a very hard time getting the service to start on reboot.
4. Is there a way to make frequency entry easier? I have to type 162550000 to get the display to appear as 162,550. Could you build in a MHz or KHz option? The help file shows a decimal point in it, which I absolutely can't make work.
5. How exactly do I configure server.conf for the default sound card? I'm not sure of the exact wording to type in. I see that I can change this when connected under the options button, but it doesn't seem to make any difference when I do it there.
6. Given that I'm using a PCR1000 I don't require any USB drivers. I am able to communicate with the PCR1000 using TalkPCR. Again I have no way of telling right now whether your app is connecting to it or not. I am trying to use COM4. I would think that would be an acceptable serial port.
Sorry for so many questions, but this seems like a nifty interface and I'd love to get it working. Thanks.