Icom R-75 as an HF "scanner"

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Dec 20, 2005
Can the R-75 be used to "scan" sideband utilities frequencies such as Coast Guard and COTHEN?

I am looking to upgrade to a good radio that would be designed primarily for this purpose. I am a scanning enthusiast looking to go HF. I want a high quality HF or widerange receiver that essentially could function as an HF utilities scanner (I know this goes against some of the doctrines of DX'ing and SWL). I'm most interested in off-shore search and rescue coast guard ops, hurricane comms, aircraft, military, etc. I simply don't have the patience to play around with the VFO to find activity.

I have an old Kenwood R2000 but I never seem to be able to find anything exciting (or even boring, for that matter) using the VFO. I read posts about all these "very active" frequencies" with exciting USCG comms at sea but I never hear them. Could be an antenna problem. Should I be able to receive these fairly easily? I must be doing something wrong or maybe the radio's is too old. But I digress. Any hoo, It seems to me that having the ability to "scan" a large number of pre-entered HF frequencies rather than searching with the VFO might help capture more of the action in HF because right now I hear very little.

Is the R-75 a good choice? I'm also considering the Yaseu VR-5000 and the AOR AR8600MKIIB recievers. Finally, can any of these be used in apartment, or is an outdoor antenna a must for sideband utility comms? Any recommendations would be greatly apppreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Boy, that was long winded (sorry)

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Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
See my answer in the Icom forum - and note, cross posting is not allowed. Thanx es 73s Mike


Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Mar 22, 2005
Point Pleasant Beach, N.J.
Hi Geek and all,

Let's deal with your real problem, lack of patience. It's essential for any serious monitoring so I suggest you work on the "software" before tackling the "hardware".

Just a hint on the hardware angle, like I always say, when you ask such a question all you get are opinions and the only one that matters is your own. Do your homework, only YOU know your specific requirements and narrow the field before asking how well (or poorly) something works. Then you'll be well armed when making your final selection.


Jan 11, 2006
Arkansas' Ozarks
As Warren says, patience is the key. The exciting coms come only when the excitement happens (and propagation is right for you to them). It's like fishing. You won't pull one in every time you go.

But, when you do, it sometimes will be worth all the hours of listening to hissing sounds and static; Coast Guard rescue or interdiction, air emergency over the ocean, ship to shore from someone important or famous -- who knows?
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