Frank I saw the question you posted both here and at Strong Signals....we have a fairly complete wiki page set up for the R10
Like all multiband handhelds of this type, I think you will quickly find that such radios have some serious limitiations when a band becomes very crowded or if many stronger signals start showing up. Usually this becomes apparent when strong signals override the weaker ones, stations start showing up 2 or 3 at a time, ect. Putting a good antenna on these radios on HF is usually a mistake; you probably won't be able to put more than 20 or 30 foot of wire - if that - without overloading. Keeping the antenna short, and tuning for just the stronger stations, may be about as good as you're going to get.
The wiki has several links for receivers from Icom, Yaesu and AOR, and there are several more that we don't have that can be better referenced with Passport to World Band Radio and Radiointel's links (such as some of the higher end portables). Do your homework now, save a few bucks (and aggravation) later. You can check out the receiver reviews section on our
Utility Monitoring wiki for some other links to such reviews.
73s Mike