Improving my LAPD Stream using my 396XT

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Feb 18, 2009
Los Angeles
Hey guys. I'm not sure if this is the proper forum to ask but I'm a live feed provider who broadcasts the LAPD Hotshots Air/K9 feed here --> Los Angeles Police Department - Van Nuys, Valley Traffic, Tacticals, Hot Shots and Air / K9 Live Scanner Audio Feed

Anyway. I've gotten great feedback on the signal strength, audio quality etc(all of which I'm more than competent at addressing when there are issues) but I have a question at how best to setup the scanner better for what I'd like it to deliver.

Originally I was using two scanners to deliver two separate feeds which stayed locked on the same channel at all times(this was easy and straight forward). But I've streamlined my feed into one scanner that I'd like to cover 5 specific channels only but can't seem to figure the best way to do that with the large database on my scanner. Worse case scenario I could obviously delete everything from the scanner other than the 5 channels I'm looking to stream but there are times when there may be a incident or other events that move onto channels not usually covered and I like to follow it so preserving the rest of the database on the scanner is the goal here.

Right now I use Proscan for programming and managing the scanner and the RR Databse information, all of that seems very straight forward to me. Where I get confused is how to have the scanner only scan those 5 channels. Initially I figured this could be accomplished by setting up Priority or Priority plus mode and making those 5 specific channels "priority" however I've noticed that it results in the audio cutting out at set increments(I'm assuming based on my priority scanner intervals and it checking for action on those other channels).

Is there a way to maintain the full database on that scanner for when I'd like to hop to another channel or follow a incident while most of the time delivering the feed of just the 5 channels I find that makes for great listening and coverage? I don't know if there's a "group" I can create for just them and toggle it on/off with quick keys, or program a custom search?

Thanks so much guys,
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Software Provider
Premium Subscriber
Jul 2, 2006
Ontario, Calif.
Hey guys. I'm not sure if this is the proper forum to ask but I'm a live feed provider who broadcasts the LAPD Hotshots Air/K9 feed here --> Los Angeles Police Department - Van Nuys, Valley Traffic, Tacticals, Hot Shots and Air / K9 Live Scanner Audio Feed

Anyway. I've gotten great feedback on the signal strength, audio quality etc(all of which I'm more than competent at addressing when there are issues) but I have a question at how best to setup the scanner better for what I'd like it to deliver.

Originally I was using two scanners to deliver two separate feeds which stayed locked on the same channel at all times(this was easy and straight forward). But I've streamlined my feed into one scanner that I'd like to cover 5 specific channels only but can't seem to figure the best way to do that with the large database on my scanner. Worse case scenario I could obviously delete everything from the scanner other than the 5 channels I'm looking to stream but there are times when there may be a incident or other events that move onto channels not usually covered and I like to follow it so preserving the rest of the database on the scanner is the goal here.

Right now I use proscan or ARC pro software for programming and managing the scanner and the RR Databse information, all of that seems very straight forward to me. Where I get confused is how to have the scanner only scan those 5 channels. Initially I figured this could be accomplished by setting up Priority or Priority plus mode and making those 5 specific channels "priority" however I've noticed that it results in the audio cutting out at set increments(I'm assuming based on my priority scanner intervals and it checking for action on those other channels).

Is there a way to maintain the full database on that scanner for when I'd like to hop to another channel or follow a incident while most of the time delivering the feed of just the 5 channels I find that makes for great listening and coverage? I don't know if there's a "group" I can create for just them and toggle it on/off with quick keys, or program a custom search?

Thanks so much guys,

The easiest way is to create a new system with one group and five channels. Assign a System Quick Key to the new system. Turn on that SQK and turn off the others.

Using ProScan, the existing group can be copied and pasted to the new system.
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Feb 18, 2009
Los Angeles
That sounds straightforward enough. I didn't realize you could have duplicate channels or frequencies in other systems but I suppose it makes a lot of sense that it wouldn't be out of the question. I'll report back as soon as I add the reprogramming(which I might add is very easy thanks to your wonderful app!)


Feb 18, 2009
Los Angeles
Thanks for the tips. Seemed to work great. I just locked out the system I didn't want it scanning and after adding the custom feed group via Proscan its perfect!


Feb 24, 2001
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.1-update1; en-us; SPH-M900 Build/ECLAIR) AppleWebKit/530.17 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/530.17)

BigEvil, thanks for streaming the hotshot calls. As a kid back in 1969 I used to listen to the hot shot calls on Tac 1 (154.83 MHz) and continued to listen for 30 plus years until LAPD decided to no longer broadcast on VHF a few years back. I'm happy with the audio quality. Keep it up.


Feb 24, 2001
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.1-update1; en-us; SPH-M900 Build/ECLAIR) AppleWebKit/530.17 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/530.17)

BigEvil, thanks for streaming the hotshot calls. As a kid back in 1969 I used to listen to the hot shot calls on Tac 1 (154.83 MHz) and continued to listen for 30 plus years until LAPD decided to no longer broadcast on VHF a few years back. I'm happy with the audio quality. Keep it up.


Feb 24, 2001
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.1-update1; en-us; SPH-M900 Build/ECLAIR) AppleWebKit/530.17 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/530.17)

BigEvil, thanks for streaming the hotshot calls. As a kid back in 1969 I used to listen to the hot shot calls on Tac 1 (154.83 MHz) and continued to listen for 30 plus years until LAPD decided to no longer broadcast on VHF a few years back. I'm happy with the audio quality. Keep it up.


Feb 24, 2001
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.1-update1; en-us; SPH-M900 Build/ECLAIR) AppleWebKit/530.17 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/530.17)

Sorry guys, I don't know why my posts are going on multiple times. I'm posting off a smart phone and am only hitting the send button once. Very strange. Hopefully, I'll get the hang of it.
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