Hi 206:
Here's the current LCN., the first 16 freqs are confirmed in that order including the CC's (note that LEX 3(1)-N 860.93750 is a place holder, Unitrunker has the LCN for Site 3 as ...4, 5, 7, 8 with 6 not listed; I had trouble getting my 96 to track the system with no freq there so I arbitrarily put a "Nextelled" freq there)--the first eight being Site One (LEX 1(4)), the second eight--including the "N" freq--being Site Three (LEX 3(1)). Site Four is being configured, last night I could rx the control channel for S4 and could also hear some squelch breaking but not understand anything.... The freqs noted with "C" are confirmed as CC's, the order for the first 16 is also confirmed. The Site designations come from the 396, the Control Channel designations from the PRO 97. The "system" sites include freqs from two each of the FCC Sites (per ULS).
LEX PS TRS 20070707
LEX 1(4)-1 857.26250
LEX 1(4)-2 858.26250
LEX 1(4)-3 859.26250
LEX 1(4)-4C 854.71250
LEX 1(4)-5C 856.26250
LEX 1(4)-6 855.21250
LEX 1(2)-7 856.93750
LEX 1(2)-8 857.93750
LEX 3(1)-1 856.43750
LEX 3(1)-2 857.43750
LEX 3(1)-3 858.43750
LEX 3(2)-4 858.98750
LEX 3(1)-5 859.43750
LEX 3(1)-N 860.93750
LEX 3(1)-7C 855.26250
LEX 3(1)-8 856.86250
LEX 4(2)X 859.93750
LEX 4(3)X 858.21250
LEX 4(3)X 858.76250
LEX 4(3)X 859.21250
LEX 4(3)5C 854.21250
LEX 4(3)X 859.76250
LEX 4(3)X 854.48750
Since you are in Richmond the system should track... if you are having trouble with a back-of-the-set antenna you might consider sticking one out a window on the Lexington side of your home... It seems all agencies are on the first site with simulcast on the other site for many agencies... If you aren't hearing all of a transmission you might check the order again, it has changed a few times recently, but the first two sites appear to be set now, just waiting for the third site to come up so I can "Trunker" (thanx Rick!) it.