Is anyone else having trouble with Lexington fire’s new truck channels?

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Feb 17, 2007
Ok so iv got all the new channels programmed and it is working grate I can get transmissions but some times the screen go’s blank when a transmission is going a cross for example lex fire my say there 10-97 then when dispatch say’s 10-4 where the fleet code should be at go’s blank cant here the like ----- and flashes and its silent I cant here the response . What could this mean? Is anyone else having this problem?


Oct 1, 2006
Irvine, KY
It is my understanding Lexington is in the middle of a big trunked system switchover. They're adding many new frequencies, and mixing them up, and the LCN changes daily. No joke, it actually has changed about 3 times over the past week..

UnitCharlie, monitors Lexington and many other agencies exclusively. I'm sure he'l pop in in a bit and offer more insight.

Right now, just sit tight and hold on, cause they're going for a wild ride over there..


a Kentucky DB Admin...
Jan 2, 2003
far from Nonesuch, Ky...
Hi 206:
Here's the current LCN., the first 16 freqs are confirmed in that order including the CC's (note that LEX 3(1)-N 860.93750 is a place holder, Unitrunker has the LCN for Site 3 as ...4, 5, 7, 8 with 6 not listed; I had trouble getting my 96 to track the system with no freq there so I arbitrarily put a "Nextelled" freq there)--the first eight being Site One (LEX 1(4)), the second eight--including the "N" freq--being Site Three (LEX 3(1)). Site Four is being configured, last night I could rx the control channel for S4 and could also hear some squelch breaking but not understand anything.... The freqs noted with "C" are confirmed as CC's, the order for the first 16 is also confirmed. The Site designations come from the 396, the Control Channel designations from the PRO 97. The "system" sites include freqs from two each of the FCC Sites (per ULS).

LEX PS TRS 20070707
LEX 1(4)-1 857.26250
LEX 1(4)-2 858.26250
LEX 1(4)-3 859.26250
LEX 1(4)-4C 854.71250
LEX 1(4)-5C 856.26250
LEX 1(4)-6 855.21250
LEX 1(2)-7 856.93750
LEX 1(2)-8 857.93750
LEX 3(1)-1 856.43750
LEX 3(1)-2 857.43750
LEX 3(1)-3 858.43750
LEX 3(2)-4 858.98750
LEX 3(1)-5 859.43750
LEX 3(1)-N 860.93750
LEX 3(1)-7C 855.26250
LEX 3(1)-8 856.86250
LEX 4(2)X 859.93750
LEX 4(3)X 858.21250
LEX 4(3)X 858.76250
LEX 4(3)X 859.21250
LEX 4(3)5C 854.21250
LEX 4(3)X 859.76250
LEX 4(3)X 854.48750

Since you are in Richmond the system should track... if you are having trouble with a back-of-the-set antenna you might consider sticking one out a window on the Lexington side of your home... It seems all agencies are on the first site with simulcast on the other site for many agencies... If you aren't hearing all of a transmission you might check the order again, it has changed a few times recently, but the first two sites appear to be set now, just waiting for the third site to come up so I can "Trunker" (thanx Rick!) it.


Feb 17, 2007
Ok thanks that helped now I here the data channel ever now and then when a fleet code pops up. Let me get this straight all this stuff is happening because there still trying to fix all the bugs and tweak the new system and when they get it all fix and set up I want have this problem? The new system is grate I can here units so much clearer and I never have problems finding the data channel!


a Kentucky DB Admin...
Jan 2, 2003
far from Nonesuch, Ky...
The Lexington TRS changed because the old system didn't provide reliable coverage for LEX FD... the license expired (March 2003) and was reconfigured becoming offical in June 2007.... the UK portion of the TRS became effective in January 2007. The system is still being tweaked but it seems for the most part it has been configured and is on the air.... the new system has absorbed the old system by now....
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