I own the Uniden 396T, and though I think the scanner is great, the reception is less than stellar (for my local PD - Delaware). Too much garble, no matter what I do..almost makes digital scanning useless.
So, with this in mind, I would buy this GRE in a second if the reception is better...obviously, we won't know until it comes out, but I ask of those who use there 396T to it's fullest, does this scanner have an edge over the Uniden in any way...like, more functions that could make reception better (tweaking,etc..)? Or better yet, does anybody have or had a Pro-96 & Uniden BCD396 and can tell me which one receives better?
Thanks everybody for help with these questions....I am a HAM, but I will admit, I really just turn on an go when it comes to scanning, and rarely do I mess with all the functions...however, that could change!
- Mark
So, with this in mind, I would buy this GRE in a second if the reception is better...obviously, we won't know until it comes out, but I ask of those who use there 396T to it's fullest, does this scanner have an edge over the Uniden in any way...like, more functions that could make reception better (tweaking,etc..)? Or better yet, does anybody have or had a Pro-96 & Uniden BCD396 and can tell me which one receives better?
Thanks everybody for help with these questions....I am a HAM, but I will admit, I really just turn on an go when it comes to scanning, and rarely do I mess with all the functions...however, that could change!
- Mark