Let me tell you what having system keys (or I should say, letting other people know you have system keys) gets you.
A visit from a local investigator accompanied by a GBI agent.
A nice several hour long interrogation in an unmarked SUV.
An Invite to your workplace to "chat" with your boss about your "options".
A chance to now look for a new job with a criminal investigation looming overhead.
A FELONY charge of COMPUTER NETWORK TRESPASS (because they will insist
you've affilliated with a system - even when you know they are wrong - because
the people pressing the charges are about as knowledgable as a one-winged termite).
A front-page headline in your local paper, and a few 5-minute spots on the evening news
(oh yeah, I almost forgot - your own forum on RR for a couple of years).
Attorney fees for your defense.
The lovely physical effects of STRESS.
The ever-present fear you may get to be some man named Bubba-Jack's Bride
in prison.
Then, if you're as lucky as I, the DA's office finally gets tired of your case-file
sitting on his desk (with zero real evidence of anything), so he finally appeals
to the state to drop all charges (which they did).
Another write-up in the paper that makes it sound as though you are a criminal
that got away with a major crime.
Now, after 3 years, 2 months and many headaches and sleepless nights later,
trying to get this charge expunged from your record.
Sound fun? Go ahead talk about system keys all you want. Sure would suck to
trade that chance to go to college in for some lovin' from Bubba-Jack, HUH?