Issues with DSDPLUS 2.465


OH/WV DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 5, 2006
Carroll Co OH / EN90LN
And keep in mind that if you are remoting into another machine, depending upon the software that you are using to remote in, it can screw with the audio -- because some applications for remote control will want to take over the audio.

I use Anydesk without issue for remoting. I also use Remote Desktop, but when I use Remote Desktop I have to set specific settings so that the audio devices do not get screwed up on the remote end.

Anyway, you are clearly monitoring a signal -- FMP24 is seeing it. If FMP24 is seeing it, and it is a P25 signal, and if a connection is established between FMP24 and DSPlus, then certainly you should be seeing details of the P25 system displayed in the DSDPlus Event Window.