My SDRTrunk seems to be missing some transmissions between chatters or missing the first call completely.
SDRTrunk v0.6.1-beta 1
RTL-SDR Blog R828D RTL2832U Dongle
RaTLSnake M6 v2 Antenna
Windows 10 with 16GB ram and Core i7-6700 (ethernet wired to 1gig fiber service)
I am also running Trunking Recorder and rdio server the computer as well.
I am connected to Nicollet Co tower on ARMER and pick up quite a bit of traffic but I also seem to miss quite a few calls. I have a BCD436HP radio that will pick up more traffic from the Nicollet tower but the sdr seems to miss quite a few calls. Is there anything that I can adjust to try and pick up almost every single call or no matter what, it's still going to miss calls regardless? Let me know if i'm missing any information here.
SDRTrunk v0.6.1-beta 1
RTL-SDR Blog R828D RTL2832U Dongle
RaTLSnake M6 v2 Antenna
Windows 10 with 16GB ram and Core i7-6700 (ethernet wired to 1gig fiber service)
I am also running Trunking Recorder and rdio server the computer as well.
I am connected to Nicollet Co tower on ARMER and pick up quite a bit of traffic but I also seem to miss quite a few calls. I have a BCD436HP radio that will pick up more traffic from the Nicollet tower but the sdr seems to miss quite a few calls. Is there anything that I can adjust to try and pick up almost every single call or no matter what, it's still going to miss calls regardless? Let me know if i'm missing any information here.