So it's safe to say that 64833 is a EMS talkgroup?
elias1988 Active Member Feed Provider Joined Nov 20, 2003 Messages 2,050 Location West Creek,NJ Aug 20, 2012 #21 So it's safe to say that 64833 is a EMS talkgroup?
jeff Member Premium Subscriber Joined Nov 29, 2001 Messages 675 Location St. Augustine, FL Aug 21, 2012 #22 I wouldn't think so unless you continue to hear traffic. Unfortunately (not really!) I have retired and am no longer able to monitor the Lakehurst site (I used to work at the Joint Base).
I wouldn't think so unless you continue to hear traffic. Unfortunately (not really!) I have retired and am no longer able to monitor the Lakehurst site (I used to work at the Joint Base).